Corporate America

Motivational Speaker, Author, Woman Of God Somalia Brown gets behind our Global Efforts.

‘I’m not perfect, you know what I mean and I show my flaws. Spiritually, same thing. There are moments when women think, ‘oh my god I want a marriage just like you. I want to have a ministry just like you and I’m like, you don’t know what it’s cost me. People admire and covet, but you don’t know what it took that person, you don’t know what it took Beyonce to be Beyonce. Do you know how many hours she works out. My childhood, I had to give up being a child at some point. You have to give up something to be great. To be a world-changer and that’s imperfect. When we show that side, a lot of people back up. But that’s the imperfect side of you just seeing my platform. Whoever else’s platform who you admire and and want so bad but what did he or she have to give up to get that. That should be the question that every person asks.’ @realonesomalia

An upcoming episode with an incredibly powerful and inspirational business woman, author, motivational speaker, RESET mindset specialist and world game changer; Somalia Brown.

Make sure you are clicking on that link in our bio to subscribe to our podcast so that you keep notified as soon as a new episode is released. For more information on the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign, our Global Efforts and how you can get involved, simply head to our official website today

'Fighting for Cause' with Steve Orosco

Steve Orosco, MBA, MSM, is a former Wall Street broker, a professional MMA fighter and the Founder of SMASH Global. After years in the cage, he combined his skills and changed the landscape of MMA by launching SMASH Global.

In this episode we hear Steve share his journey through his profession, the highs, the lows and the hard work it has taken him over the years to become the highly successful & respected businessman he is today. We also delve into his advocacy and his philanthropic endeavours giving back and raising awareness around Bullying and PTSD with a personal connection after losing his brother, Michael to it.

Be sure to click that subscribe button, share and like as we draw awareness around more conversations that many shy away from. To find out more information on Steve, you can find him via his socials at: @steveorosco and by heading to his organisations official website at:

To find out more about the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign, our Global Efforts and how you can get involved, simply head to

A big thank you to our Voice-Over: Mike Christensen (

The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign Goes BIG disrupting Corporate Silence


The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign continues to disrupt Corporate Silence with the help from some of the biggest names in International Business and Highly Sought After Public Speakers on some of the worlds biggest stages getting behind @imperfectlyperfectcampaign and sharing their stories.

By clicking on the link in our bio you will be able to keep up to date on all of our latest Podcast Episodes featuring all of these incredible corporate leaders opening up and sharing their stories, as well as information on our Corporate Workshops & on all of our Roundtable Series as more incredible discussions are being brought to the fore-front and more amazing advocates behind the IPC's efforts are being brought together to change the culture around Mental Health.

Imperfectly Perfect Campaign's Corporate Workshops

April is in full swing with our International Corporate Workshops with the incredible Kim Somers Egelsee & Stephanie Laurent Johnson over in the USA presenting to the Park Regency Realty teams in California about Mindfulness, Stress Relief and Mindset.

To enquire about getting the IPC International Team in your workplace and to find out more details, simply click on the link below today:

The Cost of Ignoring Mental Health in the WorkPlace

Nearly half of workers have been suffering from mental health issues since the Covid-19 pandemic began, at a significant cost to their well-being and potentially to their employer’s bottom line.

It’s a commonly accepted fact that adults spend roughly one-third of their lives at work.

That’s a significant amount of time, within which we are likely to experience a spectrum of physical and mental health.

According to the World Health Organization, more than 300million people suffer from depression globally

Depression and anxiety cost the global economy an estimated $1 trillion each year in lost productivity.


Mental health and substance abuse cost US businesses between $80 and $100 billion annually. Another study showed that serious mental illness costs America up to $193.2 billion in lost earnings per year 

Depression is thought to count for up to 400 million lost work days annually


Mental Health problems in the workplace cost the economy approximately £70 billion annually

91 million workdays are lost in the UK due to symptoms of mental illness

AUSTRALIA. (According to the Australian Human Rights Commission report)

A total of 3.2 days per worker are lost each year through workplace stress

Stress-related workers’ compensation claims have doubled in recent years, costing over $10 billion each year

Preliminary research shows that Australian businesses lose over $6.5 billion each year by failing to provide early intervention/treatment for employees with mental health conditions

To find out how the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign is helping International organizations better support the mental wellbeing of their employees, simply email us at today and one of the team will get back to you.

internationalisation (1).jpg

It is worth calculating the rising cost of mental ill-health to your business. 

Vice President of Customer & Market Insights at SalesForce Karen Mangia gets Behind the Global Efforts of the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign

'Imperfectly Perfect to me means being able to show up as yourself unapologetically. It also means just calling it out loud. Speaking it into the room. When ...

‘Imperfectly Perfect to me means being able to show up as yourself unapologetically. It also means just calling it out loud. Speaking it into the room. When you are feeling that you are not yourself or something is out of alignment. What happens and I learnt this in a very real way. When I got to the end of that medical journey that I had mentioned that I was telling you about earlier in the podcast, I decided for the first time in my life that I was going to take holiday for two weeks and do no work. The unintended benefit and the lesson I learnt from that is when I returned to work, I’ll never forget a comment from one woman on my team. She said, ‘I’m so glad you finally trusted us enough to leave us here in charge and to take a break’ and I though Oh My Goodness, in trying to show up as perfect and do it all, I had unintentionally set a very damaging expectation with my team, that they needed to be perfect to. I started showing up differently with that team. We got to break through results that would not have been possible because for me it was like, they know I’m not perfect and they know I need a break, because we are human.’

Karen is not only an incredible advocate with whom we are truly grateful for her getting behind the IPC & sharing her story, but an internationally-recognized thought leader whose TEDx appearance, keynotes, blogs and books reach hundreds of thousands of business leaders each year. She is the author of Working from Home: Making the New Normal Work for You, Listen UP! How to Tune Into Customers and Turn Down the Noise and also Success With Less.

A prolific blogger and sought-after media interview, she has been featured in Forbes and regularly contributes to Thrive Global and ZDNet.

As Vice President of Customer and Market Insights at Salesforce, she engages current and future customers around the world. She serves on the company’s Work from Home Taskforce, where she is helping the company’s 50,000+ worldwide employees to better adapt to a work-from-home environment.

Passionate about diversity and inclusion, she also serves on the company’s Racial Equality and Justice Taskforce.

Keep up to date on all recording chats for the ImperfectlyPerfect Podcast via our Youtube Channel

This episode; Founder Glenn Marsden has the privilege of chatting with such an inspirational lady who is led by so much heart and purpose; @claudesilver Clau...

'Everyone has experienced F.O.M.O' with Patrick Mcginnis

'Beauty is in the imperfection. I think the parts of me that I like the best are maybe the parts that nobody see's which are super crazy and aren't perfect. But they're the parts that make me different and the parts that teach me the most.

‘Beauty is in the imperfection. I think the parts of me that I like the best are maybe the parts that nobody see’s which are super crazy and aren’t perfect. But they’re the parts that make me different and the parts that teach me the most. I’m actually not afraid of that side of me. I embrace it. Some of the things we are not perfect at, we have to work on them too. But they are definitely a part of who we are as much as the stuff we love to tell everybody about. The flaws are good too’ Patrick Mcginnis

We are truly grateful to have some absolutely incredible advocates like Patrick getting behind the @imperfectlyperfectcampaign Global Efforts and sharing their stories to help us change the narrative around mental health especially through the corporate sectors.

Patrick J. McGinnis is a venture capitalist, writer, and speaker who has invested in leading companies in the United States, Latin America, Europe, and Asia. He is the creator and host of the hit podcast FOMO Sapiens, which is distributed by Harvard Business Review and has achieved over 2 million downloads. Patrick coined the term “FOMO” short for “Fear of Missing Out”, which was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2013. He is also the creator of the term “FOBO” or “Fear of a Better Option” and has been featured as the creator of both terms in media outlets including the New York Times, The Financial Times, Boston Globe, Guardian, Inc. magazine, Cosmopolitan, and MSNBC. His TED Talk “How to Make Faster Decisions” was released in 2019.

Patrick is the author of the international bestseller The 10% Entrepreneur: Live Your Startup Dream Without Quitting Your Day Job, a guide to part-time entrepreneurship. This episode, Glenn delve's passed an incredible career to find out about the man behind the profession. What comes with being a young academic at the Harvard Business School, being surrounded by success and fellow driven entrepreneurs that now run some of the worlds largest organisations, keeping up whilst simultaneously studying, aiming for this idea of ‘perfection’ and dealing with ‘FOMO’ which so many of us deal with.

To find out more about Patrick, simply head to his official website at and across his socials @patrickjmcginnis Be sure to also check out his podcast 'FOMO Sapiens with Patrick.J.McGinnis'

across all major platforms.

To find out more information on the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign and our Global Efforts, simply head to our official website at

Voice-Over: Mike Christenson of

The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign Corporate Series welcomes Rachael Newsham and Deanna Jimenez


This workshop will be Rachael Newsham's key-note of building resilience mentally, and personally overcoming obstacles. Rachael will be joined by a leading professional, Deanna Jimenez, a psychotherapist with a clinical background in trauma and anxiety for an interactive Q&A Webinar on the topics:

  • Ways in which to build resilience mentally.

  • How to navigate yourself in overcoming obstacles.

  • Coping with stress / stress mgt.

  • Learning to love yourself.

    22nd SEPTEMBER 2020 | 10:30am AEDT | 5:30pm AEDT

    Booking Link is Available through your Organizations Website HR Portals.


The Benefits of Workplace Wellness Programmes

We are seeing the majority of global employers now offering health promotion strategies, and an estimated 70% of employers offer wellness programmes.

Research has shown that workplace wellness programmes (also known as corporate wellness programmes) help create a win-win situation which has a positive impact on both employees and employers.

For anybody who is considering implementing in house corporate wellness programs, here we note the key benefits for doing so.






Enquire today about our Corporate Wellness Workshops & Programmes with leading International Experts and Professionals in the Mental Health & Wellbeing Space to see how we can help you implement your own in house programs


Julian Sado gets personal as we discuss from being one of Hollywood's Hottest Agents to some of the biggest names to taking on Corporate America.

Listen to this episode from ImperfectlyPerfect Podcast on Spotify. We are excited to be dropping another episode with Julian Sado who is not only a part of the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign team but somebody whom has been very open about his own personal struggles and journey throughout a career that took him through the heights of Hollywood and beyond at a young age to taking on Corporate America as one of the most sought after Business and Life Coaches.

We are excited to be dropping another episode with Julian Sado  who is not only a part of the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign team but somebody whom has been very open about his own personal struggles and journey throughout a career that took him through the heights of Hollywood and beyond at a young age to taking on Corporate America as one of the most sought after Business and Life Coaches.

To find out more about Julian: ⠀⠀

To find out more about the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign and how you can get involved simply head to or email us with your story today at

The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign is creating awareness and not a substitute for professional advice. Should you need help, please call please refer to your nearest crisis numbers.  

Voice-Over: Mike Christenson of

COVID-19 and Mental Health in the Workplace

There is no denying it - COVID-19 has changed the way that we live and work.


It is so important for businesses and organisations to provide a mentally healthy work environment, to make sure everyone stays physically and mentally healthy during this time.


Become a COVID SAFE business | organisation to show your commitment to protecting our community.

  • Identify and support workers that may be more at risk of workplace psychological injury. For example, frontline workers or those working from home in isolation.

  • Understand the risk factors of mental ill-health in the workplace.


Be open and transparent in your interactions with workers. Let them know they’re not alone and it’s okay not to be okay. Also:

  • Encourage open discussions to help workers to share or learn from others.

  • Ensure workers know where support resources are available. Consider creating a central point of contact for workers to go about any concerns.

  • Promote an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) if available and encourage workers to use it.


For more information on how we can help your organisation during this time, simply reach out to the team today at