USA — Imperfectly Perfect

jeremy jackson

The Bad Idea Voice Is A Liar.

It seems that almost every day I have to FIGHT that voice.

The voice that is negative; the self harm talk; the fearful, doubtful, insecure demon that tells me “it’s all pointless,” “why bother,” “stay in bed,” “it’s never gonna get better,” “give up already,” “nobody really likes you,” “you’re a fraud” “your time has come and gone” and on and on and on. 

I can tell you that without MASSIVE ACTION, I would not be here typing this message; I would be homeless, in jail, in a psychiatric ward, or dead. 

The massive action I am referring to comes in many many forms: meditation, fellowship, prayer, writing or journaling, support groups, charity, volunteering, helping others, working with animals, seeking deeper forgiveness for self and others, seeking a deeper acceptance of life exactly the way it is right here and now, and to build a healthy and fit community above and beyond the superficial aesthetic driven health and fitness world.

These are just a few forms of massive positive action and I’m sure many many more exist and are just waiting for YOU, ME, and US to BE A PART OF. 

Alone, I am weak, I am sick, and I am dying. With connection I can manage, with support I can thrive, with purpose I can move past my finite, weak and obsessed self and into something bigger, something greater, something EPIC.  

It’s not easy! But it’s SIMPLE.  

Maybe, just maybe, I’ll never be TOTALLY FREE of the demon, but I have come to believe that one day at a time, with the help of others, some new principals and directed steps, I get to have great days and what’s more, I get to create a life that exists beyond my limited thinking and out of my natural ability and is instead something totally supernatural.

All I have to l do is STAY IN THE FIGHT FOR GOOD!

I must keep moving. Whether I move inches or miles doesn’t matter, as long as I STAY MOVING. 

And when times get tough, and my limited mind demon comes back to tell me I can’t keep moving, I look to WHO I CAN HELP and just like magic my worries, my mania, my crippling thoughts are subdued.



‘I decided to be apart of the @imperfectlyperfectcampaign because about 7 months ago, I attempted to commit suicide and when I came out of it and started going on the healing process, I realised there was a lot of shame around thinking I had a mental health issue, when, what I really realised was that I’d had a mental health experience. I just want people to know that, what you are going through, whether it’s depression, fear, loneliness. These are all parts of the human condition and you shouldn’t be alone because you are not.'



‘You need to know the story.

In college I fell in love with a boy, we dated for almost 3 years. Through him I met my best friend. One day the boy & I split, my best friend remained. 5 years later I married my best friend. 13 years later we would split, he would go back to being my best friend. Then, after 25 years, the boy from college would return to my life, a broken man from the loss of his brother by suicide. I knew his brother & family so well, he was the last person you would expect. My love said he could never cry when standing over his brother’s body. Our reunion would bring life & love back to him. We got engaged. My former husband & best friend finally succumbs to a quiet internal battle & dies in the exact same manner as my now fiancé’s brother. He too is the last person you expect.

My fiancé & I stand together over his body, my love finally releases the grief of his brother & cries with me over the body of my best friend & father of my children. The grief is beyond words for me, our relationship won’t survive it.

14 months later enters life & love once again. This man makes me feel as though love can heal my broken heart. We fall in love, blend families, eventually get engaged and begin a new life. Then he finds his child death by suicide. Now I stand with him as he cries over his child’s body. I cry, and like my love before with his brother, I too am then released. His grief would be more than our relationship could handle. Trust me, I understand. Now I stand alone. I intend to stay that way. To be a voice for the fallen, & the loved ones left behind. The lines in my face, the pain in my eyes, the tears as they fall are mere traces of the scars left from the tearing apart of my heart.

3 families, 3 deaths by suicide, and an endless trail of pain, bewilderment & broken dreams.’


Taja V Simpson

‘ The @imperfectlyperfectcampaign is so special to me. It is because I have experienced Mental Health issues in a loved one that was very close to me and unfortunately they didn’t get the help in a timely manner. So what I want to say is, mental health is a disease that comes in all different ages, sizes, shapes, colours , names and it’s ok. This is something that you can get ahead of l, this is something you can seek help on. So if you or someone that you know from mental heath in any form or capacity, please have the courage to get help or get them help’.

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‘The reason why I decided to come on board the @imperfectlyperfectcampaign is because I know what it feels like to deal with mental health. I went through it pretty much after the marines fighting in Iraq. I was diagnosed with PTSD and it was a long battle to say the least. People out there dealing with mental health , I think it’s best they get treated, try to get help, talk to somebody whether it’s loved ones , friends just don’t be by yourself. Don’t get stuck in this phase you are in. It can really bring you down and things can happen. The worst can be committing suicide. So if you really need help - go and find it and get that help you need.’



‘We have to start to look Mental Health right in the face & learn not to let it beat us, by speaking up & speaking out should we need to. I’m a big advocate for anti-bullying & Mental Health Awareness, & it’s definitely a huge problem & one so prevalent in America. I personally lost my brother to PTSD which is a constant issue too in the US, with all these soldiers coming back from war and dealing with mental health issues. It also doesn’t stop there, when there are kids as young as 10 taking their lives in schools due to bullying and dealing with mental health issues. With this said, there is nothing wrong with being Imperfect & no such thing as perfection. I am far from it & have a lot of flaws. At the end of the day, learn to be nice to everyone, be kind because we are all human’



“Have you ever hated yourself and your life so much that you wanted to kill yourself?

I have.

Not long ago, I was so depressed that I decided to kill myself.
So, I researched ways to do it, went into my kitchen, grabbed the sharpest knife I could possibly find, and plunged it deep into my wrist.
What happened next is hard to explain, but suffice it to say... I still have the suicide test marks on my wrist.

When I meet you, I’ll show you.
I’m sharing all of this only to say that, whatever you’re going through today - and I don’t care what it is - you can get through it.
In fact, you’re GOING to get through it.
And we are going to help you.
So, if you’re out there reading this and really struggling with something, with anything at all, please know:

You. Are. Not. Alone.
You’re not even in the minority. You’re in the majority, but you just don’t know it. You CAN’T know it, because most people don’t talk about it.
At some point in life, though, everybody goes through stuff, really hard stuff, seemingly impossible stuff... But there are people, people like me who have been there and have somehow, some way found their way out of the depths, out of the darkness, depression, and despair... And into the light, love, and laughter again.

What’s more, those people, like me, became stronger, better, more beautiful, and more blissful people as a result of it all.

And these people have dedicated their entire lives to helping and showing other people, people like you, how to do the same.
So... hang on, reach out, and get help!

Whether you know it or not, we WANT to help you. We want to help you turn these trials and tribulations into triumphs, your problems into purpose.
So, let us help you.



‘Mental health issues are nothing to be embarrassed and ashamed of. Everybody is dealing with something so please remember to be kind and supportive to your fellow human- you have no idea what they are going through. Just because someone seems ok on the surface it doesn’t mean that they are not struggling. You always hear it is the people who are the happiest are actually suffering the most. Just reaching out and being there for somebody could change their life- trust me, I have lived it.’



‘As someone that’s dealt with depression we often feel completely alone, that no one can understand us. But what we often don’t realize is that everyone is going through something. We’re just afraid to say it. Maybe because of our upbringing telling us we need to be tough and bottle it in or because of the stigma that’s still associated with mental health issues. But it’s okay. It’s okay to say you don’t feel right. It’s okay to let it all out. It’s okay to talk to someone. You don’t have to do it alone, because you aren’t alone.’



‘I’m right behind the @imperfectlyperfectcampaign for a number of reasons. Not least because I know a few family and friends who have suffered with mental health issues over the years . In fact I lost a close mate a few years ago to depression and as anyone would know, the toughest thing for someone like myself who has lost someone to mental health issues is knowing and believing that you could’ve done something about it; if you had known. With that said, if you are suffering my message is just seek help, talk to somebody. People do care & you are needed. This world is not a better place without you. You are loved. Maybe consider volunteering some time with some kids or with the elderly because that can put a little bit more perspective in it for you. But do reach out, ask for help. You will be surprised that whoever you reach out to, will know a number of people suffering with the same issues that you have right now. I’ve lived in Ireland, England, Australia and now here in Los Angeles and I can tell you that its very privilant and it’s very common and it isn’t the case that it’s weak to speak out. There is help out there. So just know it’s not weak to speak: suffering in silence is not the solution, people care and people are there.’



‘I was just a little kid when I went through a major depression. It lasted for about 3 years. Having a great support system from my family was a huge bonus. They saved me from that dark period. What about these people who do not have this kind of support? What happens to them? Is it too late? No. That’s why the @imperfectlyperfectcampaign is here to provide this encouragement. It provides the help and support we need. You are definitely not alone, we are all in this together. To uplift someone, is very magical. You have no idea how life changing this can be...’



‘Eating disorders come in a rainbow of colorful flavors each with its own distinct recipe. Start with a big heap of self-hatred, add a dash of perfectionism, and sprinkle with insecurity and you've got the basic ingredients for self-destruction. While these traits undoubtedly factored into my own struggles with bulimia, I think a more deeply seated issue was to blame: I was a "Yes Girl." I'm here for you and I'm not going to leave."
We all need someone there sometimes. Everyone needs to talk to someone sometimes. And yes, we know it's getting a bit repetitive and boring. But the same fears, the same struggles come up again and again. And knowing that someone is there for us to listen, to find distraction or just to talk to about random things; it all means more than you could ever imagine.’



‘I got behind the mission, movement & the conversation @imperfectlyperfectcampaign because myself have struggled with anxiety, depression & suicidal thoughts & I’ve also lost a lot of high school I work with to suicide
& my heart & my mission is to help as many people come through it & out on the other side of the tunnel, knowing that we are all in the same boat.
We’re all trying to figure out this friction, & these tensions in life.
I found mine through my pain & my purpose & want to help as many people find their freedom and who they are & to be themselves, to find joy in their stories’



‘I was always anxious as a child.

I have probably suffered with anxiety and depression for as long as I can remember, but it wasn’t diagnosed until later in my life . Throughout my life my anxiety was like a weight on my chest that prevented me from reaching my potential. I'm better now thanks to self study, medication and professional counseling. I'm better - not perfect at all but grateful to have more sunny days than any time be gore. Today I help people get physically fit through my personal training business and as a keynote speaker on healthspan - life span with a focus on health. I always include the subjects of anxiety and depression because I know how many quietly suffer. This is my way of turning my life experiences into my purpose; my way of helping others. Everything that happened in my life, lead me to where I am now.’



‘As someone who's father passed away when he was young, it can leave a lot of questions and confusion for a kid or anyone for that matter. I was fortunate to have access to talk to skilled professionals that helped me to work through dealing with the emotions of such a loss and saw early on the importance there is in having dialog around mental health and access to resources when needed. Glenn's mission to reduce stigmas and increase the conversation around mental issues is a universal topic that needs further light shined on it, that's why I since day one have supported the @imperfectlyperfectcampaign’



Mental Illness is a very important subject. It touches everybody and like the @imperfectlyperfectcampign stands for - it does not discriminate.
We really do only have one life so I believe we should try & give it our all. Through life we will all endure our troubles...but if we have a strong support system around us don’t be afraid to speak. If you have friends around you don’t be afraid to reach out, but also if you don’t happen to have that support system, please remember that there truly are many people out there to help us so don’t be afraid to speak up


brian wesley williams

‘I have always known people who have suffered from anxiety & always found it pretty hard to understand but then when it hit me, I was like oh my god! What is this...
Suddenly trying to figure everything out all at once, getting on the track for a race and never thinking I was going to deliver, ever!’


‘I’ve struggled with anxiety and depression throughout my life and used to spend a lot time hiding and feeling very alone in it. The @imperfectlyperfectcampaign is creating an honest dialogue about mental health so that we can support each other during these times of pain and suffering. I’ve discovered that what we think and believe about the world completely informs our lives. By staying connected and open, we can create space for each other even in the darkest times. I’m so grateful to @glenn_marsden and the @imperfectlyperfectcampaign for inspiring me to speak up during emotionally challenging times and reminding us of the power of community. We are all connected and now more than ever, we have the opportunity to come together and truly support each other in times of excitement and joy, as well as moments of extreme fear and sadness. No one should have to feel alone in their suffering. You are not alone. You are seen. You are heard. You are worthy. You are loved and supported, always.’


alessandra de martino

‘Mental illness is such a prevalent occurrence in this country yet we as humans have been taught to keep quiet and suffer in silence. We have been taught that mental illness is a form of weakness and something to be ashamed of. So many preventable tragedies have happened due to untreated mental illnesses. These people have kept silent with feelings of shame accompanying their suffering. When I was in college I came forward about an eating disorder to then be shunned by a group of girls. It was such a terrifying experience as if something was “wrong with my character”. Not only was I battling a disease but I also felt rejected and ashamed. I suffer from anxiety: crippling, life altering anxiety.

It’s not just a “bad day” it is a full on shut down of my entire body and mind. I can’t think, I can’t move, and I can’t just “distract myself”. I wish more people understood and were compassionate towards mental illness. If you had a broken leg or arm you would seek medical attention for your issues. Then why do we as people avoid our “mental health”? I have been told to “get over” my issues by training my mind to think “positively”. Sometimes medication is necessary and can help change a person’s life for the better. I’m here to say, you aren’t alone, you aren’t a burden, and that you will NEVER be a burden.’



“When it’s us, we don’t like to talk about it. We think we’re broken. We think no one wants to hear about our struggles. When it’s someone close to us, we often times don’t realize the severity. When it’s too late, we wish that they would have said something. That they would have invited us into their pain so we could sit with them through it. The truth is that we all struggle with mental health to some degree. It’s time that we relinquish the ideas that life must be sunshine and rainbows or else we’re broken and bury the stigma that to suffer from mental health is anything but a part of being human. It’s time we step up and speak into the lives of those who are in need. And when it’s you, be courageous and let yourself be heard, known, and loved.” . ‘Communicate, even when it’s uncomfortable or uneasy. One of the best ways ways to heal, is simply getting everything out’

' The @imperfectlyperfectcampaign is so special to me. It is because I have experienced Mental Health issues in a loved one that was very close to me and unfortunately they didn't get the help in a timely manner.

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You can also listen to the episode via the Imperfectly Perfect Podcast via Spotify or IheartRadio. To find out more about Taja V Simpson: SOCIAL MEDIA: @taja...

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