
“Unveiling the Hidden Truths Behind the Gold”

You see the glamour, the glitz, the gold,
The dazzling stories that unfold,
But miss the nights when dreams run cold,
The hidden trials, the truths untold.

From gig to gig, I roam and strive,
Chasing dreams to stay alive.
Where the next paycheck will appear,
Is a mystery, far and near.

The shows you see, the stages bright,
Hide the endless, weary nights.
Unpaid hours and sleepless days,
Building up through endless praise.

Rejection cuts with silent pain,
Public scrutiny’s harsh refrain.
A single slip, a misstep made,
Can lead to cancel culture’s shade.

In this realm of fierce acclaim,
Many see it as a game.
Who stands by me when lights grow dim?
Who’s there when prospects seem grim?

Competition’s sharp and cruel,
A constant fight to stay in school.
Even when success is near,
Money’s split before it’s clear.

Agents, managers, taxman’s claim,
Take their share, and leave a name.
When fortune fades, and cash runs low,
Love and support may not show.

Invitations stop, the calls grow thin,
The ones who cared, they’re lost within.
Where’s my mental health in the fray?
In this fickle life, where shadows sway?

You see the fame, the sparkle bright,
But miss the trials out of sight.
Behind the scenes and all the cheer,
I’m human too, with hopes and fears.

- @_glennmarsden

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This episode; Founder Glenn Marsden has the privilege of chatting with such an inspirational lady who is led by so much heart and purpose; @claudesilver Clau...