Robert Mack

Five Year Anniversary Event Count Down!

The excitement is palpable as we gear up to celebrate our monumental five-year anniversary in Los Angeles, marking a significant milestone in our global efforts!

We are thrilled to share that the upcoming event promises to be nothing short of spectacular, featuring the incredible faces behind our impactful initiatives. In the spirit of anticipation, we are delighted to kick off our speaker announcements by revealing the first wave of celebrity speakers who will grace our event with their wisdom and insights.

Joining us on this momentous occasion will be the renowned Jeremy Jackson, the inspirational Robert Mack, and the incredible Kate Neilson. Their remarkable contributions to our cause and their dedication to positive change have made them pivotal figures in our journey.

We can't wait to hear the stories, experiences, and perspectives they'll share during this special event. Stay tuned in the coming week as we unveil more names from our star-studded lineup, each bringing their unique insights and passion to our celebration.

'Happiness from the Inside Out' with Robert Mack

We are so excited to have Author, Positive Psychology expert join us once again for an incredibly empowering and inspiring episode.

Robert is an ivy-league-educated Positive Psychology Expert, Celebrity Happiness Coach, Executive Coach, and Author who studied under the direction of Martin Seligman, the founder of Positive Psychology, at the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn).

He is one of the world's leading experts on the relationship between happiness and success. and helps individuals and organizations achieve an energizing balance of authentic personal happiness and effortless professional success, based on time-tested, face-valid, empirical data and timeless, transcendental wisdom.

His work has been endorsed by Oprah, Vanessa Williams, and many others, and he ​has been seen on Good Morning America, The Today Show, Access Hollywood, E!, OWN, GQ, Self, Health, Cosmopolitan, and Glamour.

In this episode, Glenn and Robert talk about the most important key to happiness, and simple actions someone can take today to get on a path to happiness. They discuss why adversity is necessary for living our best life, and how we can find peace, love, and happiness from the inside out. They also talk about ways to build optimism, resilience and real confidence. We are left with one of the most inspiring personal accounts from Robert sharing how one conversation for him saved another persons life.

For more on Robert Mack, be sure to follow him on Instagram @robmackofficial, on Facebook @robmackofficial, and on Twitter @robmackofficial.

Check out his website

The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign Goes BIG disrupting Corporate Silence


The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign continues to disrupt Corporate Silence with the help from some of the biggest names in International Business and Highly Sought After Public Speakers on some of the worlds biggest stages getting behind @imperfectlyperfectcampaign and sharing their stories.

By clicking on the link in our bio you will be able to keep up to date on all of our latest Podcast Episodes featuring all of these incredible corporate leaders opening up and sharing their stories, as well as information on our Corporate Workshops & on all of our Roundtable Series as more incredible discussions are being brought to the fore-front and more amazing advocates behind the IPC's efforts are being brought together to change the culture around Mental Health.

The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign Corporate Series welcomes Robert Mack



This workshop will be facilitated by Founder; Glenn Marsden and led by Leading Positive Psychologist Robert Mack sharing his personal story followed by an interactive Q&A on how to apply the science of happiness to get better results with less time, energy, and effort including ways to:

  • Increase happiness.

  • Reduce stress and anxiety.

  • Stop worrying.

  • Cope with uncertainty.

  • Deepen presence and patience.

  • Make better decisions.

  • Connect better with others.

  • Cultivate self-love.

  • Find your purpose and passion.

  • Reduce burnout.

  • Improve your health.

  • Live longer. 

  • Enjoy life, no matter what

29nd SEPTEMBER 2020 | 10:30am AEDT

Booking Link is Available through your Organizations Website HR Portals.
