David Meltzer

Imperfectly Perfect Campaign’s Global Efforts to Challenge the Narrative around Mental Health

They are some of the worlds most recognised faces across entertainment, sports and corporate getting behind the Global Efforts of the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign founded by 1 Photographer whose aim was to change the ‘face’ of Mental Health & Challenge the Narrative around out.

The overarching aim of Imperfectly Perfect is to change the face of mental health by dismantling the stigmas associated with it. These stigmas tear at the very fabric of society where the very elemental courtesies for human decency are forgotten and eroded.

One stigma utilizes a language that proposes that Mental Health starts and ends quickly. Snapping out of it is a phrase often heard as a satisfactory treatment in the torrential battle of mental health disorders that engulf lives.

The scars of mental health disorders are very real and behind a face that from the outside you think is doing okay, there is a conversation we do not want to hear or listen to.

“Have you ever hated yourself and your life so much that you wanted to kill yourself? I have. [Robb Mack]

Isolated, given labels that epitomize citizens of the world who may lack intelligence, creativity and any sense of positive value, who battle a silent enemy. Every moment, minute, hour of the day, they fight, fight a battle that leaves them bereft, broken and exhausted.

"I have to fight. This Negative Self Harm talk, fear, doubt, insecurity demon that tells me "its all pointless, why bother, stay in bed it's never gunna get better, give up already […] and on and on and on." [Jeremy Jackson]

Stop for a moment, if this were someone you loved, your brother, sister, wife, husband or friend how would you champion them in their constant battle.

By changing the culture and challenging the perceptions of Mental Health Awareness, Imperfectly Perfect captures the essence of humanity by helping the world to see there is a serious issue that has no barrier of fame, fortune, social status, creed, beliefs, ethnicity or age. Their innovation is centred with founder, Glenn Marsden who captures the visceral emotion frame by frame, tear drop by tear drop. Glenn's heart knows, truly knows the plight through personal experience.

With that heart he is breaking ground and forging new paths. Join Imperfectly Perfect, and some of the world's most influential public figures to build a legacy - your legacy that surpasses time. A legacy that provides education, healing, support, advocacy and public awareness so that the conversation around mental health disorders normalizes, enabling your children, grand children and future generations to live without stigmas attached to mental health. imperfectlyperfectcampaign.org

Find us across all of our Platforms; https://linktr.ee/imperfectlyperfectc...

The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign Goes BIG disrupting Corporate Silence


The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign continues to disrupt Corporate Silence with the help from some of the biggest names in International Business and Highly Sought After Public Speakers on some of the worlds biggest stages getting behind @imperfectlyperfectcampaign and sharing their stories.

By clicking on the link in our bio you will be able to keep up to date on all of our latest Podcast Episodes featuring all of these incredible corporate leaders opening up and sharing their stories, as well as information on our Corporate Workshops & on all of our Roundtable Series as more incredible discussions are being brought to the fore-front and more amazing advocates behind the IPC's efforts are being brought together to change the culture around Mental Health.

David Meltzer - Empowering 1 BILLION people to be happy.

On today's episode, you're going to get to hear from David Meltzer. David is a highly sought after International Speaker, Best-Selling Author, Award-Winning Humanitarian, the Co-founder of Sports 1 Marketing and formerly served as CEO of the renowned Leigh Steinberg Sports & Entertainment agency, which was the inspiration for the movie Jerry Maguire.

David Meltzer is a highly sought after International Speaker, Best-Selling Author, Award-Winning Humanitarian, the Co-founder of Sports 1 Marketing and formerly served as CEO of the renowned Leigh Steinberg Sports & Entertainment agency, which was the inspiration for the movie Jerry Maguire. He is a three-time international best-selling author, a Top 100 Business Coach, the executive producer of Entrepreneur‘s #1 digital business show, Elevator Pitch, and host of the top entrepreneur podcast, The Playbook. His newest book, Game-Time Decision Making, was a #1 new release and he has been recognized by Variety Magazine as their Sports Humanitarian of the Year and awarded the Ellis Island Medal of Honor.

This is truly an incredible episode with David sharing his own personal story, his advocacy towards mental health and wellbeing. Plus, listen carefully as he reveals the conversation that changed his life for the better and set him on his own life's mission to empower over 1 billion people to be happy.

This simple yet powerful mission has led him on an incredible journey and you are going to hear all about it as we chat on today's episode.

Enjoy the show!

To find out more about David and to keep up to date with him, you can find him through all of his Social Handles:

Twitter, Instagram, YouTube: @davidmeltzer

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/davidmeltzer11/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidmeltzer2/

Text Community: (949) 298-2905

Also, a Link to register for his free Friday Trainings: https://dmeltzer.com/training/

Voice-Over: Mike Christenson of thevoicemonkey.com

Our Founder feat. amongst some of the best Public Speakers of the world.


We are pretty stoked that our founder Glenn Marsden was recently amongst some of the world’s most successful & influential leaders in their field.

We want to thank Peter O Estevez of the Coming Clean Podcast .

To listen to the whole episode, head to the offical podcast through iTunes, Spotify or the official website at comingcleanpodcast.com