Mindset Specialist

Motivational Speaker, Author, Woman Of God Somalia Brown gets behind our Global Efforts.

‘I’m not perfect, you know what I mean and I show my flaws. Spiritually, same thing. There are moments when women think, ‘oh my god I want a marriage just like you. I want to have a ministry just like you and I’m like, you don’t know what it’s cost me. People admire and covet, but you don’t know what it took that person, you don’t know what it took Beyonce to be Beyonce. Do you know how many hours she works out. My childhood, I had to give up being a child at some point. You have to give up something to be great. To be a world-changer and that’s imperfect. When we show that side, a lot of people back up. But that’s the imperfect side of you just seeing my platform. Whoever else’s platform who you admire and and want so bad but what did he or she have to give up to get that. That should be the question that every person asks.’ @realonesomalia

An upcoming episode with an incredibly powerful and inspirational business woman, author, motivational speaker, RESET mindset specialist and world game changer; Somalia Brown.

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