Chezzi Denyer

Volume 2 is nearly here of our International Best Selling Book Series!

Volume 2 is already picking up incredible momentum!

Each co-author has stepped forward at just the right moment, driven by a powerful sense of purpose and a gut feeling that they’re destined to make a difference on a global scale.

We’ve already sent out our co-authors’ stories to international endorsers and are thrilled about our amazing foreword. But that’s just the beginning—several more surprises are in store!

It’s time to play big, think big, and inspire the masses. Our co-authors are ready to make their mark and share their transformative stories with the world. Get ready to be inspired and watch as we take this journey to new heights!

Remember In life, we always have a choice: we can sit on the sidelines, wondering why we didn’t step forward, or we can dive in with both feet. Surrounding ourselves with those who amplify our missions and truly want to build a supportive community which is key. By joining forces with people who are dedicated to seeing the best in all, we transform our dreams into impactful realities.

So, we are ready for our co-authors to embrace the journey, take bold steps, and create something extraordinary together.

Exciting News! Volume 2 of Our International Best-Selling Series is Underway!

We are thrilled to announce that more incredible celebrity supporters are stepping forward to share their stories in Volume 2 of our international best-selling series. This volume promises to be even more inspiring and impactful, with a lineup of distinguished contributors.

Among them is Australia’s own Chezzi Denyer, whose illustrious career spans journalism, working in parliament, serving as a news chief, and producing one of Australia’s most popular morning shows, 'Sunrise'. Chezzi’s remarkable contributions to the media industry and her unwavering support for the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign from the beginning have been invaluable. Alongside her husband, Grant, Chezzi has been a tremendous ally and advocate for our global efforts. We are truly honored to have her lend her voice and expertise to our upcoming volume.

Joining Chezzi is Julie Snook, a well-known Australian TV personality, news anchor, and journalist. Julie's openness about her journey with endometriosis has touched many and brought much-needed awareness to this condition. Her story is one of resilience and courage, and we are excited to share it with the world.

We are also proud to feature Serbian-born Igor Djenge, an actor, comedian, and one of the most prolific motivational speakers in the deaf community. Igor’s journey from Serbia to Los Angeles, overcoming obstacles and breaking barriers, is truly inspirational.

Adding to the diversity of our contributors is MMA’s very own Lyman Good. Lyman’s story of determination, discipline, and triumph in the world of mixed martial arts is sure to motivate and inspire our readers, by hearing about his childhood.

And that's not all! We have an additional surprise celebrity co-author whose announcement is coming soon. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to bring you powerful stories that resonate globally.

Lastly, get ready to meet all of our other international co-authors who have stepped forward very soon….

Together, we can amplify these incredible voices and create ripples of change around the world.

Founder Glenn Marsden shares his story on Australia's Hit Show 'It's All True'

Last week saw Founder Glenn Marsden share his story on Australia's Hit Show 'It's All True' with Chezzi and Grant Denyer.

Make sure you check the episode out as he delves into what it has taken him to build the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign’s Global Efforts.

Simply click the image above!

Be sure to watch our latest Podcast Episodes on Youtube.

If you haven’t subscribed to our Youtube channel yet, make sure to hit the video above and please do.

You will get access to all of our latest podcast recordings, event replays and more via our channel.

Please remember to like, comment, leave us a review or even better, if you enjoy an episode, please share it.

It's All True with Chezzi & Grant Denyer

Coming up on the ImperfectlyPerfect Podcast is none other than one of Australia’s most recognised, respected and loved couples; Chezzi and Grant Denyer who were one of the first people to take a chance on myself when I approached them to be a part of my efforts.

When Grant’s images were released, the response was truly incredible. The stories, the emails, the messages of gratitude, we as a movement received from people hearing from somebody so well known in the public eye, share his struggles so openly and share his vulnerability through an image, that we don’t often see, was inspiring.

It was even a bigger pivotal moment for me personally too, in seeing just how powerful the imagery and efforts were opening up conversations that were often hidden and being told it was saving lives. We discuss it all and more in this upcoming episode so please make sure to click the link in our bio to subscribe to the show to be notified once the episode is released this month. - Glenn Marsden

Chezzi is a tv producer youtube, blogger, podcast host, mother, wife and manager to her husband, Grant who is a man of many talents from 2018 Gold Logie winner to motor-racing driver to Guinness World record holder and most importantly a husband and father. His TV career has spanned 2 decades which has made him one of Australia’s most loved radio and television presenters and has hosted nearly every big international TV format from Australia’s Got Talent, hosting the second season of Dancing with the Stars, appearing in the show himself recently and a special primetime series of the much loved Family Feud.

Together they are an unbeatable force and we cannot wait to share this upcoming episode with you all!

Make sure you have subscribed to the show, to keep notified as soon as the episode is released.