Exciting News! Volume 2 of Our International Best-Selling Series is Underway!

We are thrilled to announce that more incredible celebrity supporters are stepping forward to share their stories in Volume 2 of our international best-selling series. This volume promises to be even more inspiring and impactful, with a lineup of distinguished contributors.

Among them is Australia’s own Chezzi Denyer, whose illustrious career spans journalism, working in parliament, serving as a news chief, and producing one of Australia’s most popular morning shows, 'Sunrise'. Chezzi’s remarkable contributions to the media industry and her unwavering support for the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign from the beginning have been invaluable. Alongside her husband, Grant, Chezzi has been a tremendous ally and advocate for our global efforts. We are truly honored to have her lend her voice and expertise to our upcoming volume.

Joining Chezzi is Julie Snook, a well-known Australian TV personality, news anchor, and journalist. Julie's openness about her journey with endometriosis has touched many and brought much-needed awareness to this condition. Her story is one of resilience and courage, and we are excited to share it with the world.

We are also proud to feature Serbian-born Igor Djenge, an actor, comedian, and one of the most prolific motivational speakers in the deaf community. Igor’s journey from Serbia to Los Angeles, overcoming obstacles and breaking barriers, is truly inspirational.

Adding to the diversity of our contributors is MMA’s very own Lyman Good. Lyman’s story of determination, discipline, and triumph in the world of mixed martial arts is sure to motivate and inspire our readers, by hearing about his childhood.

And that's not all! We have an additional surprise celebrity co-author whose announcement is coming soon. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to bring you powerful stories that resonate globally.

Lastly, get ready to meet all of our other international co-authors who have stepped forward very soon….

Together, we can amplify these incredible voices and create ripples of change around the world.