
Gerald Isaac Waters Joins Founder Glenn Marsden for the ImperfectlyPerfect Podcast

Our latest episode for the Imperfectly Perfect Podcast has just dropped with none other than Actor Gerald Isaac Waters (@officialhumptydumpty) who you can cu...

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Uncovering Every Ounce of Courage with Actor Gerald Isaac Waters.

Five years ago, Gerald Isaac Waters suffered a fall that left him permanently paralyzed from the neck down, and confining him to a mobile wheelchair. Hearing words like "new normal" and "never again" in a time of such darkness stung even more so than on a day-to-day basis.

Our latest episode for the Imperfectly Perfect Podcast has just dropped with none other than Actor Gerald Isaac Waters who you can currently see starring in the hit movie on @netflix right now ‘All Together Now’ a heart-warming story of finding hope in the darkest of times.

It tells the story of friendship and gives us hope and that tale of friendship in the movie certainly hit home for Gerald as he recalls the moment everything changed for him and how he gathered the strength to rebuild. 

“On July 2015, my life tragically took a change. Life as I knew it was over and now I was faced with what would become my new normal. The strength to rebuild and start my new life definitely came in the form of my family and my friends. Having them as my rock when times got hard and as a cheering squad when I started to achieve goals is the reason I am where I am today," 

We are truly thrilled to bring you such an inspirational episode with such an empowering guy who is making a big impact not only in his work, but in the lives of many sharing his story. 

To listen to the episode, simply head to Spotify or IHeartRadio, subscribe and check out the ImperfectlyPerfect Podcast.

To find out more about Gerald, you can find him through his socials @officialhumptydumpty


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The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign is creating awareness and not a substitute for professional advice. Should you need help, please refer to your nearest crisis numbers.

Voice-Over: Mike Christenson of