
Sharing the stories of celebrities and public figures who have struggled with mental health

Sharing the stories of celebrities and public figures who have struggled with mental health is important to us here at the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign for several reasons:

  1. Reducing stigma: Mental health stigma still exists in many societies, and it can prevent people from seeking help or talking openly about their struggles. When well-known individuals share their experiences, it humanizes mental health issues and helps break down stereotypes and misconceptions. It sends a powerful message that mental health problems can affect anyone, regardless of their fame or success.

  2. Increasing awareness: By sharing their stories, celebrities and public figures can bring attention to different mental health conditions and create awareness about the challenges faced by those who live with these conditions. This can lead to a better understanding of mental health issues within society and foster empathy and support for those who are struggling.

    3. Encouraging help-seeking behavior: When individuals in the public eye discuss their mental health struggles and their journey towards recovery, it can inspire others to seek help for their own mental health concerns. It shows that reaching out for support is not a sign of weakness, but rather an important step towards healing and well-being.

    4. Providing hope and inspiration: Celebrity stories of overcoming mental health challenges can offer hope and inspiration to those who are struggling. Knowing that even successful and admired individuals have faced similar difficulties can in still a sense of hope that recovery is possible. It can motivate individuals to persevere and seek the help they need.

    5. Promoting self-care and well-being: Public figures sharing their mental health stories can also serve as a reminder of the importance of self-care and well-being. Their experiences can highlight the significance of maintaining mental wellness and taking care of oneself, which can resonate with a wide audience and encourage healthy habits.

Ways in which Managers can support Employees' Mental Health

Uncertainly can lead to very anxious times.

During this time of unprecedented times with COVID-19, and nobody know what is going to happen next.

We are seeing Mental Health related struggles rapidly on the increase.

As we navigate through these times, companies are likely to see employees struggle with depression, anxiety, burnout, trauma, and PTSD.


So what can Managers do?


As a company don’t just say you support Mental Health.

Model it and lead by example.


Make it intentional to make sure you are checking in with your employees and create a culture where it becomes normal for your team to do the same with each other.

With so many people working from home now during COVID'-19, this now more than ever is so important to implement.

Again, lead by example as a manager and don’t merely ask the generic ‘Are you OK’ ask some specific questions and ask your employees if they are needing additional support.


Through the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign, we have shown that as a leader, being honest about your mental health struggles opens the dialogue for employees to feel much more comfortable in talking with you about mental health challenges of their own.


Make sure you keep your team informed and try to always remove stress where possible to keep employee morale up.


Now more than ever, you should prioritize proactive and preventive workplace mental health training for leaders, managers, and individual contributors.


Dr Kristy De Leon joins the Imperfectly Perfect Campaigns efforts...

A huge thank you to Dr Kristy De Leon sharing a couple of tips that she hopes will be helpful during this time towards coping mechanisms towards your relationships and mental well-being.


ImperfectlyPerfectCampaign Founder Glenn Marsden teams up with health & wellness professionals and experts globally to give free advice, tools and tips through the community page. At a time when so many people are collectively wanting to help, myself, @kimlifecoach @edenhs and several more have been in talks over the past couple of months with these amazing professionals in terms of psychologists, psychiatrists, wellbeing coaches, Holistic therapists amongst many more to showcase the efforts of the campaign and get people the tools and help they may need at this time. Be sure to head to the @_imperfectlyperfectcommunity as I roll out videos weekly from experts all around the world wanting to help.