Medical Professionals

Imperfectly Perfect Campaign’s International Workshops & Programming

For so many people, feeling hopeful about what the future holds is vital to maintaining their Mental Health. This is one of the reasons the pandemic has been...

For so many people, feeling hopeful about what the future holds is vital to maintaining their Mental Health. This is one of the reasons the pandemic has been so disruptive to so many people’s wellbeing and towards work-forces worldwide. The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign noticed that not only the school system but also the workplace system had and continues to be impacted on the wellbeing of all individuals, so we initiated our International Workshop Series with leading Mental Health & Wellbeing Professionals to change, not just the school systems but the organisations approach in how they look at mental health and wellbeing for their employees.

To find out more about these workshops simply contact us at and one of our team will get back to you with our information packs.

Front Line Professionals getting behind our message globally!

It is incredibly humbling to know we have so many people around the world helping us spread the campaign’s message! It is an absolute honor when those on the frontlines who are risking their lives every day, take the time to draw attention to the campaign and mental health awareness! 

Thank you to this firefighter in Washington D.C for sending us this selfie and acknowledging that he too is imperfectly perfect! We appreciate you!❤️

To find out more about the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign and how you can get involved simply head to: