medical professionals

We want to thank our front line medical professionals for getting behind our Global Efforts.


Before we thank Martha for supporting our campaign, please help us in thanking HER for working on the frontlines!!! 

Martha is an oncology nurse in Los Angeles and a true hero in our eyes!!! 

We appreciate you Martha and love that you are Imperfectly Perfect!!

'Stay Connected With' The 'Virtual Hangs'

With such an immense response to the @imperfectlyperfectcampaign ‘virtual hangs’ and many people messaging about them to get involved since our first 4 live sessions with the incredible @jeremyjacksonfitness @timconlon @wesgeer and @chefjasonroberts leading them, there is now an easier way to keep updated by simply registering your interest for notifications on all weekly hangs by clicking the link in my bio or simply copying and pasting the below link.
Each week more incredible guests join the ‘hangs’ inc. faces from the campaign, health & wellness professionals & experts amongst many more in efforts to meeely keep us all connected and uplift everybody’s spirits during this time. You may all see some returning faces due to huge demand from their sessions...

There will be live Q&A’s, guided meditation sessions, health and wellness discussions, Guided Breath work meditations, Live acoustic music sessions, Cooking classes and so much more.....

IPC Founder @_glennmarsden teams up with Health&Wellbeing Professionals from around the world to give people free resources, tools and advice.


@imperfectlyperfectcampaign founder @_glennmarsden teams up with health & wellness professionals and experts globally to give free advice, tools and tips through the community page. At a time when so many people are collectively wanting to help, myself, Kim Somers Egelsee Eden Markenson Sustin and several incredible people have been in talks over the past couple of months with these amazing professionals in terms of psychologists, psychiatrists, wellbeing coaches, Hollistic therapists amongst many more to showcase the efforts of the campaign and get people the tools and help they may need at this time. 
Be sure to head to the @_imperfectlyperfectcommunity as I roll out videos weekly from experts all around the world wanting to help.

'Faces' of the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign urge people to #STAYATHOME

The 'faces' behind the @imperfectlyperfectcampaign get behind the movement to urge people at this time to stay at home unless it's absolutely necessary for y...

‘Help our heroes and stay at home’

Faces of the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign get behind the movement to urge people to stay at home during this time unless its absolutely necessary to go out.

Just shy of 3 days ago, I reached out to the guys on the campaign to ask them if they would get behind the initiative in aid of helping our medical professionals during the pandemic to ask people to stay at home.

There was no question and so many videos came rolling in over the past couple of days.

So a huge thank you to everyone who came together to give back and unite in solidarity with aims to help those who are out there fighting to help us all daily