
How do we change the narrative around Mental Health "Globally"

Changing the narrative around mental health globally requires a comprehensive and multi-faceted approach that involves various stakeholders, including organizations, communities, and individuals and is something that the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign has been working on behind the scenes for the past four and a half years.

The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign continues to help in shifting the narrative and reducing the stigma associated with mental health by:

  1. Education and awareness: Promoting mental health literacy through educational programs in schools, workplaces, and communities. Providing and directing to organisations with accurate information about mental health conditions, their prevalence, and available treatments. Encourage open conversations about mental health to increase understanding and empathy.

  2. Challenging stereotypes and stigma: We address misconceptions and stereotypes about mental health by sharing stories of recovery and resilience. We encourage individuals with lived experience to speak out and share their stories, highlighting that mental health issues can affect anyone and that seeking help is a sign of strength.

  3. Media representation: We continue to spread our message and work with media outlets to ensure accurate and sensitive portrayals of mental health in movies, TV shows, news articles, and social media and promote positive and realistic representations of individuals with mental health conditions to counter stigmatizing and sensationalized narratives

  4. Policy and legislation: We have been advocating for policies in the workplace that prioritize mental health at national and international levels and encourage organisations to allocate sufficient resources for mental health services within the work place, improve access to care, and enforce anti-discrimination policies.

  5. Collaborative partnerships: We foster collaborations among organizations, mental health professionals, community leaders, and individuals affected by mental health issues. We believe that collective efforts can help develop and implement effective strategies, share best practices, and promote a unified message of understanding and support.

  6. Empowerment and self-care: We promote self-care practices and resilience-building activities that enhance mental well-being and encourage individuals to prioritize their mental health, seek help when needed, and engage in activities that promote stress reduction, such as exercise, mindfulness, and hobbies.

  7. Workplace mental health: We encourage employers to prioritize mental health in the workplace by providing corporate talks to supportive policies, resources, and training for managers and employees. We promote work-life balance, flexible working arrangements, and destigmatize conversations around mental health at work.

  8. Investment in research ( priority of Imperfectly Perfect Campaign in the future with funding ): We aim to support and fund research initiatives focused on mental health to enhance understanding, develop innovative treatments, and inform evidence-based interventions. Research can help challenge existing narratives and lead to advancements in mental health care.

  9. Global collaboration: We foster international cooperation and knowledge exchange to address mental health challenges on a global scale. We share successful strategies and learn from diverse cultural perspectives to develop inclusive and context-specific approaches.

We would like to remind that changing the narrative around mental health is an ongoing process that requires sustained efforts and something here at Imperfectly Perfect Campaign we push each and every day.

By working together and advocating for positive change, we can reduce stigma, increase awareness, and create a more supportive and inclusive environment for individuals with mental health conditions worldwide.

Gena Lee Nolin gets behind the Imperfectly Perfect Campaigns' Global Efforts.

'What better way to take a load off our shoulders, because none of us are perfect, and thats the first thing that came to mind when I heard about the campaig...

'What better way to take a load off our shoulders, because none of us are perfect, and thats the first thing that came to mind when I heard about the campaign and listened to all the stories and testimonials that people gave and really sharing their truth about what they've gone through. Its so important to take the stigma out of depression and mental illness because no-one is perfect. If we all learn to understand that and talk about our feelings, get help that we need and know that we are not alone.' - Gena Lee Nolin.

An immense honour to have Gena get behind the campaigns efforts. Such an incredible advocate towards normalising the everyday binocular around Mental Health and sharing her own story.

To find out more about the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign and how you can get involved simply head to: https://www.imperfectlyperfectcampaig...

Be sure to also check out the Imperfectly Perfect Podcast with all our latest episodes speaking with highly acclaimed faces, influencers, experts and those who have been through extreme adversity via:



The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign is creating awareness and not a substitute for professional advice. Should you need help, please refer to your nearest crisis numbers.