My Kitchen Rules

Colin Fassnidge joins Founder Glenn Marsden to speak out on the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign's Global Efforts

By changing the culture and challenging the perceptions of Mental Health Awareness, Imperfectly Perfect captures the essence of humanity by helping the worl...

By changing the culture and challenging the perceptions of Mental Health Awareness, Imperfectly Perfect captures the essence of humanity by helping the world to see there is a serious issue that has no barrier of fame, fortune, social status, creed, beliefs, ethnicity or age.

Join Imperfectly Perfect Campaign today, and some of the world's most influencial public figures to build a legacy - your legacy that surpasses time. A legacy that provides education, healing, support, advocacy and public awareness so that the conversation around mental health disorders normalizes, enabling your children, grand children and future generations to live without stigmas attached to mental health.

Renowned Chef | Author Manu Feildel gets behind the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign.

Through talking and listening, you have the power to make a difference to somebody that may just need it' - Manu Feildel. To find out more about the Imperfec...

Through talking and listening, you have the power to make a difference to somebody that may just need it' - Manu Feildel. To find out more about the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign and how you can get involved simply head to our official website at

Be sure to also check out the Imperfectly Perfect Podcast with all our latest episodes speaking with highly acclaimed faces, influencers, experts and those who have been through extreme adversity via Spotify or iheartradio.

The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign is creating awareness and not a substitute for professional advice. Should you need help, please refer to your nearest crisis numbers.