A huge thank you as we reach our second year anniversary.


Today see’s us reach our second year anniversary of the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign.

*a few words from Founder; Glenn Marsden.

’It has far surpassed what I set out as a passion project. Gaining international attention within 12 months, amassing worldwide influential public figures getting behind my efforts, a highly acclaimed podcast, got the chance to showcase through incredible advocates helping the efforts to the Mental Health Commissioners Chambers at Parliament House, had meetings in the USA at Paramount Pictures, gained international press coverage and network coverage inc being a guest alongside my good friend and team mate @jeremyjacksonfitness on the Global Talkshows Digital Series going out live to 9 million people, being a guest with the campaign on Amazon Prime show Gown & Out in Beverley Hls and NOW we have our global efforts continuing with more incredible initiatives and the International Workshop Series.

Today we looked at our total combined reach and then across our international exposure from all of our platforms and coverage and are sincerely blown away that we have surpassed 10 million and watching our reach and exposure grow by the day. 

From the bottom of my heart, I thank each and every person who has believed in my ‘passion’ project to make a change towards mental health and continuing to get behind the campaigns initiatives to merely get more awareness and help in front of people so that they know they are not alone.’ - Glenn Marsden.

If you would like to know more about the campaigns global efforts and how you can get involved, simply head to our official website at imperfectyperfectcampaign.org or email us at info@imperfectyperfectcampaign.org 

The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign is a privately run awareness campaign. We are not a registered charity nor a service for professional advice. Should you need help, please refer to your nearest crisis numbers.