Wall Street Journal

Nutritional Psychiatrist Dr.Uma Naidoo gets behind the Imperfectly Perfect Campaigns Global Efforts

‘In psychiatry and psychology and in research, people talk about the ‘shadow self’ and I think being a psychiatrist, part of training is being your own therapy and I firmly believe it. I tell all my trainee’s that all the time so that you can understand your own process better. I think for me, Imperfectly Perfect is about acknowledging that i’m not perfect. That, you know I am a nutritional psychiatrist, but I’m most certainly not perfect. For me, it’s about trying to be my best self, acknowledging that it’s not going to be perfect and sometimes that’s very hard because when you are an ambitious person you want to achieve different things and you are excited about that. You tend to want to do everything excellently and that’s hard’ @drumanaidoo

An honour to have Dr Uma Naidoo on board the Global Efforts and share her story, research and findings with our audience on the Podcast.

Michelin-starred chef David Bouley described Dr. Uma Naidoo as the world’s first “triple threat” in the food and medicine space: a Harvard trained psychiatrist, Professional Chef graduating with her culinary schools’ most coveted award, and a trained Nutrition Specialist. Her nexus of interests have found their niche in Nutritional Psychiatry.

She founded and directs the first hospital-based Nutritional Psychiatry Service in the United States and is the Director of Nutritional and Lifestyle Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) & Director of Nutritional Psychiatry at MGH Academy while also serving on the faculty at Harvard Medical School.

She was considered Harvard’s Mood-Food expert, has been featured in the Wall Street Journal and the author of the highly acclaimed ‘This is your brain on food’

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