
'In those Unbearable Moments, we have to know that there is greater, as hard as it may seem' with Brittney Harper

Brittney Harper is a multidimensional woman,making her mark in Ministry as an Author, Entrepreneur, TV personality, spirit-led teacher of God's Word and Prophetic Intercessor.

Brittney Harper is a multidimensional woman,making her mark in Ministry as an Author, Entrepreneur, TV personality, spirit-led teacher of God’s Word and Prophetic Intercessor. As a much-in-demand speaker and teacher of the gospel and prophetic voice to many, she continues to travel both nationally and inter-nationally to fulfill her mandated mission: to transform lives, heal hearts, encourage others to find and live in purpose, teach deeper truths and show others the way to live abundantly through Christ.

For those who have never felt or understood spirituality, make sure to give the episode a listen. If there is a commonality between so many people that we have interviewed, through those dark periods of adversity they have come out the other side believing in something far bigger than themselves. We feel very fortunate that the IPC has attracted incredible experts within the medical field, Clinical Professionals, Holistic Therapists, those who teach Spirituality and truly feel blessed that we get to interview and learn so much to be able to get help to so many.

To find out more information and to keep up to date with Brittney, simply head to her official website at or you can follow her through her socials @glory_n_honr

To find out more information on the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign and our global efforts, simply head to our official website at

Voice-Over - Mike Christenson (