Tim Franklin

Australian Actor Tim Franklin gets behind the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign's Efforts.

I have jumped onto the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign run by the very talented Glenn Marsden. It is work like this that will chisel away at the stigmas build u...

I have jumped onto the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign run by the very talented Glenn Marsden.

It is work like this that will chisel away at the stigmas build up around mental health especially within men. His unforgiving images cast a light over an important darkness in men that needs to be seen.

Being raised in an Australian masculine culture your often told “you’ll be right” and “don’t be a pussy”, iv felt myself and I’m sure its the same for a lot of other young men a sense of embarrassment for having a feeling that shows vulnerability.

The feeling is bad enough isn’t it? Let alone a sense of shame for having it on top of it.

Thats why we need to break down this built up world of bravado and show everyone, being vulnerable and brave enough to voice it, is truly masculine in its own beautifully feminine way.

Growing up with the world of social media your shown so many perfectly illustrated lives or the other side of the coin, constant saddening truths.

Where is the middle ground? When have you seen a post of someone saying “oh I’m feeling a little anxious and sad for some reason today”?

I think its these everyday trepidations that build up on us.

This is why I think its so important to check in with yourself and others when feelings arise. It could take a simple word from a loved one that can turn us away from the thought. Better to be the self evolving fool that asks the question, then to sit within the thought for however long your willing to hold onto it. It’s absolutely fine to not be ok.. it’s all part of the ride. “I wanted to write down exactly what I felt, but somehow the paper remained empty..... .....and I could not have described it any better” - Tim Franklin

To find out more about the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign and how you can get involved simply head to our official website at imperfectlyperfectcampaign.org.

The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign is creating awareness and not a substitute for professional advice. Should you need help, please refer to your nearest crisis numbers.