Corporate leader

Evan Carmichael gets behind the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign's Global Efforts.

‘Being Imperfectly Perfect is looking at yourself with kindness and recognising that the mistakes you made in the past, you did the best you could with what you had. We just are constantly living with regret of what we wish we should have done or feel or judged ourselves or should have done. And so it’s looking back with kinder eyes to say, you did the best with what you had, but now it’s ok. You are awesome and you can create something amazing and the fact that you’re imperfect is the greatest gift of all’. - Evan Carmichael

Gary Vaynerchuck called him the DJ who inspires people and Ed Mylett called him the modern day Napoleon Hill. At 19, he built then sold a biotech software company.

At 22, he was a venture capitalist raising $500k to $15M. He now runs a YouTube channel for entrepreneurs with over 3 million subscribers and 500 million views, wrote 4 books, and speaks globally.

He wants to solve the world’s biggest problem, people don’t #Believe in themselves enough.

Forbes named him one of the world’s top 40 social marketing talents and Inc. named him one of the 100 great leadership speakers and 25 social media keynote speakers you need to know.

So what a privilege and honour to get Evan Carmichael behind our global efforts of having those all too often hard conversations and sharing his story on an upcoming episode of our show.

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