Silent Scream: The Inner World of Anxiety

In shadows deep,
my thoughts do dwell,
A restless mind,
an unseen spell.

Anxiety whispers in my ear,
With every breath,
it brings me near.

It’s a storm inside,
a raging sea,
Waves of worry crashing
over me.

My heart pounds fast,
my hands do shake,
A silent scream
with each breath I take.

To those who watch from the outside in,
It’s not a battle I chose to win.
It’s not just nerves or fleeting dread,
It’s a war that’s waged inside my head.

I wish you’d know, I wish you’d see,
The effort it takes just to be.
To step outside,
to face the day,
With fear that never fades away.

Patience, please,
with this weary soul,
Understanding can make me whole.

A gentle touch,
a kind embrace,
Can help me find a safer place.
Silent Scream: The Inner World of Anxiety

In moments dark,
your light shines through,
A friend who stays,
a love that’s true.

Anxiety’s grip,
though strong and tight,
Can’t dim the hope of morning light.
With you beside me,
hand in hand,
I find the strength to rise and stand.

- glennmarsden