Angelica Bridges gets behind the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign's Global Efforts.

‘There is no such thing as perfection. To me, it just means being yourself and not worrying about creating an image or having to prove anything to anyone that you are a certain way or anything. People I find will love you more for your honesty, for being who you are, not trying to be someone else because you’ll never align if you are trying to be someone else. The more authentic you are in this life, in this world the easier it is and like you said the more you let go of things, things then get easier and they start to flow and that’s about being Imperfect’ @angelicabridges

A huge honour having the incredible Angelica Bridges getting straight behind our Global Efforts and share her story on the Podcast.

Perhaps best known for her role as “Lt. Taylor Walsh”, on the international television series, “BAYWATCH”, The show which went on to become, “The Most Watched Television Show in the World" and aired in 142 countries, she has appeared in countless movies and tv series, graced the covers of some of the most iconic publications, toured internationally with an early music career, is an author, a businesswoman and philanthropist who not only has her own foundation to give back but helps countless organisations dear to her heart all year round and in the upcoming episode we get to hear about everything.

We go deep and get to know the person behind the profession, the accolades and career, and see where it all began for Angelica

This is an unbelievable episode coming up which will be coming up shortly so be sure to click the link in our bio to subscribe to the show to keep notified of when the episode airs.