Business Speaker

'If you can really start to believe in yourself, that is one of the core things that will make you successful' with Alison Edgar MBE

Alison Edgar MBE also known as “The Entrepreneur’s Godmother” to a plethora of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs, brings a matchless amalgamation of outside of the box thinking, insight, and knowledge to the world of professional development.

 Her teachings have pioneered culture change within her five-star global clientele such as Sky, Equifax, The NHS, and The Discovery Channel, where she has delivered her world-class ‘Intrapreneurship’ methodology to enhance the development of teams by helping employees to think like entrepreneurs. 

 In 2020, Alison received an MBE for recognition of her long-term work within entrepreneurship and business, which continues to inspire her methodologies.

 This episode we hear all about Alison's upbringing within a working class background with little money, being diagnosed with dyslexia to gracing international stages, working with some of the biggest organisations around the world and receiving an MBE.

 We delve into the struggles, the achievements, the highs and the lows and her mindset throughout the years. 

This is an incredible episode to learn some powerful wisdom of truly believing in yourself even through those hard moments to achieve anything when you want when you put your mind to it. 

You can also find the ImperfectlyPerfect Podcast via all major podcast platforms inc ITunes.

Brad Burton; The Uk’s #1 Business Motivational Speaker gets behind the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign

'For me, being Imperfectly Perfect. I think it's a battle of self. There's a battle right now going on with every individual. There certainly was for me. It ...

‘For me, being Imperfectly Perfect. I think it’s a battle of self.

There’s a battle right now going on with every individual. There certainly was for me. It was like Brexit. 51% good Brad, 49% destructive Brad. I’d say good, positive, constructive, negative, depressed and so forth. There’s a battle going on.

I believe I’m now 95% the positive, the good version of Brad, 5% bad version and I believe that’s what that is. That whole thing is about recognising that I’m never going to get rid of those flaws but being aware of them and being able to tip the balance from that 51/49 constant fight which is where mentally we end up getting in a bad place because we are vying for ourselves.

But recognise we are never going to be perfect’. - @bradburton

One of the Uk’s most sought after Business Public Speakers, Author of 4 Business Books, highest rated 5 Star Business Author on Amazon, Founder of 4Networking, which is the Uk’s largest joined up national business networking organisation and just an inspirational human being all around who uses his platform to empower countless others with his story, Brad Burton gets behind the @imperfectlyperfectcampaign Global Efforts in helping us change the culture and narrative around Mental Health.

Brad joins founder Glenn Marsden for an upcoming episode on the ImperfectlyPerfect Podcast, so be sure to subscribe to us via Spotify or IHeartRadio to keep notified as to when this episode will drop!