
When Your Mental Health Takes a Turn: Finding Help Without the Overwhelm

I remember the day my mental health took a turn. It was like a sudden, unexpected wave crashing over me, pulling me under and making it hard to breathe. The last thing I wanted to do was sift through endless online articles or read pamphlets filled with medical jargon. I needed help, but I needed it in a way that didn’t add to my already overwhelming state.

Here’s what I did, and I hope it helps you too.

Reach Out to Someone You Trust

The first step I took was reaching out to someone I trusted. For me, it was a close friend who had always been supportive and understanding. I didn’t need to explain everything in detail; just letting someone know that I was struggling was a huge relief. They didn’t try to fix everything for me, but their presence and willingness to listen without judgment made a world of difference.

Visit Your Primary Care Doctor

If the thought of researching specialists or therapists feels too daunting, start with your primary care doctor. I made an appointment with mine and simply told them that I was not feeling mentally well. They were able to provide initial support and refer me to a mental health professional. Sometimes, having that direct, human connection can be more reassuring than navigating through countless online resources.

Keep It Simple

When I was at my lowest, even the smallest tasks felt monumental. Instead of overwhelming myself with grand plans to get better, I focused on very simple actions. This could be something as basic as taking a shower, eating a healthy meal, or going for a short walk. These small steps helped me build a foundation to gradually tackle larger challenges.

Utilise Crisis Resources

In moments of acute distress, I found that crisis resources were invaluable. Hotlines like the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255) or texting “HELLO” to 741741 connected me to trained professionals who could help immediately. These services are available 24/7, and sometimes, just having someone to talk to in those critical moments can make all the difference.

Journaling Your Feelings

I started keeping a journal where I could freely express my thoughts and emotions. Writing things down helped me process what I was going through without the pressure of having to articulate it perfectly to someone else. It also served as a way to track my progress and recognise patterns in my mental health.

Prioritise Self-Care

I realised that taking care of my mental health required me to prioritise self-care in a way I hadn’t before. This meant setting boundaries, saying no when I needed to, and engaging in activities that brought me peace. Whether it was reading a book, practicing mindfulness, or spending time in nature, these self-care practices became essential in my journey towards healing.

Seek Professional Help When Ready

When I felt a bit more stable, I did eventually seek professional help. This step was crucial for my long-term well-being. Therapy provided me with tools and strategies to manage my mental health more effectively. If this step feels overwhelming, remember that there are various types of therapy and therapists; finding the right fit can take time, but it’s worth it.

Be Kind to Yourself

Most importantly, I learned to be kind to myself. Mental health struggles are not a sign of weakness, and it’s okay to have bad days. Progress is not always linear, and setbacks are part of the journey. Acknowledging this and giving myself grace was vital in my healing process.

If your mental health takes a turn, know that you are not alone. Start with simple, manageable steps and reach out to those you trust. Utilise available resources and take care of yourself, both physically and mentally. Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength, and it’s okay to take things one day at a time. Your mental health matters, and there is support out there for you.