Brad Lea gets behind the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign's Global Efforts and shares his story

Upcoming on the ImperfectlyPerfect Podcast is none other than Brad Lea who has helped numerous companies and individuals generate millions, including such heavy hitters as Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, Grant Cardone, Tom Hopkins, World Series Poker, Top Chef, Chase Bank, and many more.

He’s also been featured in Forbes, The Huffington Post, Inc. Magazine, GCTV, and is a regular guest on several top-rated podcasts. He built LightSpeed VT into a multi-million dollar global tech company from scratch and led it to becoming the world’s leading interactive training system.

He also hosts the top-rated podcast Dropping Bombs Podcast and is the author of The ‘Real Deal’ and his upcoming book ‘The Hard Way’ It is such a privilege to have Brad come on to the show and share his journey with our listeners so make sure to click the link in our bio to subscribe to the show so that you get notified and DON’T MISS our upcoming episodes

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