Virtual Summit

Lockdown 'Virtual Hangs' are back !!!

As Lifeline records highest daily calls on record as lockdown exacerbates loneliness and we hear the support service alone saw Monday, August 3 service hit 3,345 calls, which is the highest daily number in the organisation's history, the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign itself although not a substitute for Professional Help has continued to see a dramatic increase in people contacting them for help through their vast social media platforms.'

This is concerning because the public are hearing help is always available through the various support services and mainstream media but the public are also finding out just how many organisations cannot cope with the influx of numbers of people struggling right now and are left without help.

The number of messages the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign as an awareness initiative are receiving daily is truly concerning because it is showing people still do not know where to turn when the larger organisations are inundated.

As humans we need interaction !!

The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign is not funded, but what it may lack in resources, it makes it up in heart and community.

That is why the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign once more have commenced running free International 'virtual hangs' for anybody struggling with loneliness at the moment.

To make these possible, all we ask is companies who want to make a difference help our efforts by contributing to our efforts.

The virtual hangs are an incredible way to keep connected and are led by International Experts & Professionals in the Mental Health & Wellness space as well as some of the Most recognised faces from the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign.

Past hangs included some incredible sessions with American Idol’s Justin Guarini holding a live acoustic session, to Baywatch's Jeremy Jackson leading a Breath-work Meditation, Chef Jason Roberts leading a cooking workshop, International Rockstar Wes Geer leading a Meditation & Music Therapy Session to International Fitness Trainer to the stars Rachael Newsham leading Fitness classes, and so much more.

Be sure to click the link below to register for more information on all of our upcoming sessions.

Founder Glenn Marsden speaks on the United by Nations Virtual Summit


It was such a huge honour and privilege for our Founder and CEO Glenn Marsden recently to be asked to be a featured speaker crossing live to the USA to speak about his work and the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign Global Efforts for the United by Educations Virtual Sunmit speaking alongside some incredible names including Forbes Riley, JT Fox, Kristi Maggio, Greig Reid, Dr Paul J DeBlanc, Scott Lumley, George Ross, Naveen Jain, Dale Hancock, Doug Vermeeren, Dene Botha, Bruce Pulver and Greg Walker.

To keep up to date with the imperfectly perfect campaign, simply head to our contact us page to sign up for our monthly newsletter.