A Broken System, filled with Regret

in a world where shadows often loom,

The mental health system can feel like doom.

Promises made, but often unmet,

A broken system, filled with regret.

Patients seek help, their minds in despair,

But find themselves lost in a bureaucratic snare.

Appointments delayed, answers not found,

Hope starts to wane, with no solid ground.

Therapists burdened, overworked and strained,

Resources limited, compassion constrained.

Insurance battles, costs through the roof,

Care becomes scarce, just numbers and proof.

In darkened rooms, where voices cry,

Many are left just wondering why.

Why is there silence when there should be care?

A system so broken, it feels unfair.

Policies drafted by those out of touch,

Who’ve never felt panic’s relentless clutch.

They speak of reforms, but actions are slow,

Leaving those suffering with nowhere to go.

Why make donations where we don’t know,

Where the funds travel, or how they flow?

When we can do a GoFundMe and let it be shown,

The funds reach those who need them, known and known.

It’s time for change, a call to unite,

To heal this system, to make it right.

With empathy, collectiveness, and a steadfast plan,

We can rebuild, for every woman and man.

No more waiting, no more neglect,

A promise to love, to heal and protect.

For mental health is just as real,

As any wound that time can heal.

So let’s rise together, break down the wall,

Create a system where everyone can call.

For help, for hope, for a future bright,

A mental health system where darkness turns to light.
