IPC Founder Glenn Marsden teams up with Global Health & Wellness Professionals & Experts

A big thank you to psychotherapist, marriage and family therapist Claudia Jane for sharing a couple of tips that she hopes will be helpful during this time towards coping mechanisms towards your mental well-being.


ImperfectlyPerfectCampaign Founder Glenn Marsden teams up with health & wellness professionals and experts globally to give free advice, tools and tips through the community page. At a time when so many people are collectively wanting to help, myself, @kimlifecoach @edenhs and several more have been in talks over the past couple of months with these amazing professionals in terms of psychologists, psychiatrists, wellbeing coaches, Hollistic therapists amongst many more to showcase the efforts of the campaign and get people the tools and help they may need at this time.

Be sure to head to the @_imperfectlyperfectcommunity as I roll out videos weekly from experts all around the world wanting to help.