"Partnering for Social Impact: Changing the Narrative of Mental Health One Story at a Time with Our Global Network"


The overarching aim of Imperfectly Perfect is to change the narrative of mental health by dismantling the stigmas associated with it by sharing one story at a time.  These stigmas tear at the very fabric of society where the very elemental courtesies for human decency are forgotten and eroded.

 One stigma utilises a language that proposes that Mental Health starts and ends quickly. Snapping out of it is a phrase often heard as a satisfactory treatment in the torrential battle of mental health disorders that engulf lives.  The scars of mental health disorders are very real and behind a face that from the outside you think is doing okay, there is a conversation we do not want to hear or listen to. 

“Have you ever hated yourself and your life so much that you wanted to kill yourself? I have. [Robert Mack]

Isolated, given labels that epitomise citizens of the world who may lack intelligence, creativity and any sense of positive value, who battle a silent enemy.   Every moment, minute, hour of the day, they fight, fight a battle that leaves them bereft, broken and exhausted

"I have to fight.  This Negative Self Harm talk, fear, doubt, insecurity demon that tells me "its all pointless, why bother, stay in bed it's never gunna get better, give up already […] and on and on and on." [Jeremy Jackson]    

Stop for a moment, if this were someone you loved, your brother, sister, wife, husband or friend how would you champion them in their constant battle.

By reshaping the discourse surrounding Mental Health Awareness, the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign is the philanthropic endeavour of Founder; Glenn Marsden which has encapsulated the essence of humanity. It has illuminated the fact that mental health issues transcend barriers of fame, wealth, social status, creed, beliefs, ethnicity, or age.

Today, the campaign has reached over 12 million people worldwide, garnered support from more than 500 influential public figures spanning various industries – from Australia to Hollywood and beyond and an impact that has propelled it’s efforts to the forefront of international media coverage for the past five years.

As a company, we partner with international organisations as official sponsors for our global events, summits, and our international book series. This partnership enables us to give back through our philanthropic endeavours, providing free resources, support, advocacy, initiatives, and awareness campaigns to the public.

We invite organisations to join Imperfectly Perfect and our global efforts toward social impact, building a legacy that transcends time. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of millions worldwide.

All photography copyright of Glenn Marsden



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