Australia’s Biggest Names get behind the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign Global Efforts.


rebecca gibney

“I thought it was important to share that I also suffered severe depression in my thirties and contemplated taking my life. No one knew how I was feeling. On the surface I had the perfect life. Great job, wonderful family and friends but inside I was dying. Daily panic attacks became hourly panic attacks and pretty soon I was making excuses to friends so I didn’t have to leave my apartment. Lucky for me a friend suggested I see a psychologist and she literally saved my life. Two years of therapy and I learned to love myself again and accept that who I am is enough. Please if you ever feel this way there is always someone that will listen. It’s one step at a time but you do matter and you can get through it. Sending much love to all ... keep looking for the light...” 



‘The last 10 years or so especially, I’ve learnt the people that I surround myself with don’t find mental health a hard topic to have a chat about, which is great, & for me it’s surrounding yourself with good mentors as well in different fields. For me, I’ve always had a great older brother, a great sounding board for ideas & problems, mental problems and just issues as well. He’s been fantastic. But also a great singing teacher who instills positivity, great acting coaches that I’ve had along the way to really empower you. I can highly recommend psych sessions. Regular psych sessions. It’s amazing how good you can feel just to off load all the stuff that has been in your head.’



Mental Health is just so prevalent at the moment, 5 / 6 of my friends have all been diagnosed with depression & mental health issues. So it’s something I’m very passionate about, because it’s something that’s close to me. I don’t think you do realise when you do play, your shielded away from society a lot, you don’t really deal with your own mental health problems at the time. It was as if you would be showing weakness if you had a mental illness whilst you were playing. The last 5/6 years there has been a lot on mental health. It’s real, it happens to all of us, it happens to some of my best friends, players who are playing now. I’m just so glad there has been so many campaigns and trying to get it to the fore front of people. If I can raise awareness for anything, especially mental health, I’ll do anything I can”



‘I’m absolutely thrilled to be a part of the campaign. I guess for me why it’s important is, I come across as super enthusiastic and confident; but really I’m not. You have to put on this act, and sometimes when push comes to shove it gets really challenging. Having experienced a husband who goes to jail, cancer, looking after the children as a so parent for quite a considerable amount of time, it was a challenging time for me and I have experienced the darkest days, and I think there is nothing wrong with being up front and candid, because the more we are...about anxiety, depression and when we are struggling l, the easier it is to get through it. So it’s an amazing opportunity to be apart of this campaign and I think the more of us who get on board and share our different messages, the easier it will be for everyone to understand the importance.”



‘I’m honoured to be a part of this movement and believe the @imperfectlyperfectcampaign is doing an incredible job, using impactful images to remove the stigma around conversations on mental health, for both men and women. When the stigma no longer exists, the fear is removed and thus the more the conversation will be brought out into the light. For myself, endometriosis was something that I had suffered with for 20 years, with nobody able to tell me what was causing my physical pain. There’s a reason they call it the silent disease, you feel utterly alone in the pain, (alone in the anxiety brought on by hiding it) and in your inability to get someone to understand something they can’t see, you begin to see a commonality with those who suffer in silence too. No matter how individual the battle - understanding how similar the fear of struggling alone can be can also bring us together.’



‘My experience with mental illness involves my Nan passing away from Alzheimer’s and my mum being diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s a decade ago (at the age of 52). This lead to me caring for my mum and watching her battle the inner turmoil of knowing what’s to come and being terrified by every second she goes on because each second is one closer to being incapable of remembering or doing the simplest of tasks - of becoming a burden to those around her. It’s awful for her, but to a degree, worse for us, as we have to watch, helpless - unable to come to terms or understand our role in this ever evolving horror show. 

But we constantly put on a brave face, for her, each other and every one we know. Because the horror of Alzheimer’s doesn’t get better, it only gets worse and we have to fight to not succumb to the horror. We have to fight because we can’t let mum down and have her illness bring the end to our lives as well. 
Mental illness can strike us from many directions, this part of my story has certainly been an uppercut and I haven’t even gotten to all the jabs and hooks I’ve had to deal with throughout all this. It’s impossible to know what any person is going through. 
I hope this campaign helps people talk, but also gives reason for us all to treat each other with more kindness, because it costs us nothing and may make the world of difference to whom we give it to. And who knows, they may even pass it on to someone else.


‘On one hand, Social Media opened its dangerous doors into existence. When used improperly, it fuels & has created jealous behaviour over illusions. Envy, lifestyle & relationships that may not even exist. People think they no you, when they don’t even know your story.’
Enjoy it for what it is, but don’t let it consume who you are on the basis of illusion and remember we are human and are all imperfectly perfect.’


Tim Franklin

“Growing up within an Australian masculine culture your often told “you’ll be right” and “don’t be a pussy”, I’ve felt myself and I’m sure its the same for a lot of other young men a sense of shame or embarrassment for having feelings that shows vulnerability. The feeling is bad enough isn’t it? Let alone a sense of shame for having it. Thats why we need to break down this built up world of bravado and show everyone, being vulnerable and brave enough to voice it, is truly masculine in its own beautifully feminine way.” 


Heather maltman

“I am perfectly imperfect, and when you accept this about yourself and ride that wave. You can make choices that are based on living in a positive light. Every moment in life has a positive and negative charge. It's about how long you choose to live in the negative that matters.”


grant denyer

“I think this is an exceptionally noble cause. It can make a very fundamental difference in starting the conversation. I’ve been in that situation, a period in my life I wasn’t particularly happy with myself and it went on for a little too long and it went unrecognised and it was something I never spoke about. So I never allowed anybody in and it didn’t need to go on that long, and it didn’t need to go that deep and it didn’t need to be that dark - if I just had the tools that I now know how to deal with those past periods.

It is important to talk about it because when men talk about it, then it’s the first step in unlocking the pain and in recognising the situation.”


‘As a professional athlete, I recognise and embrace the fact that I am also a regular person with genuine emotions and occasional struggles. It is important to acknowledge that feeling down or experiencing off days is a normal part of life. However, what truly matters is the affirming mindset and self-talk that one maintains, as it empowers them to overcome any challenge with the support of the right individuals and a positive mentality’.


arron coote

After I recovered and I started to talk about my dark times, every person I talked to had the same response “You? No way! You were the happiest out of all of us!” They didn’t know how much I suffered in silence. I worked very hard to keep that smile on my face, for several reasons; I was embarrassed, i felt weak, i didn’t want to be a burden, I was scared I would end up in a straight jacket. I had no idea what was happening to me and feared things would only get worse if people found out my secret. I didn’t know that by taking about it, getting some help and understanding what was happening to me and learning some tools that I could be freed from the hell I was living in. The longer I kept it to myself the more I unnecessarily stayed in that lonely dark place. Several people have reached out to me recently to tell me how much listening to my story helped them, so now I want to talk to anyone that will listen. I am living proof that you can live an amazing life post anxiety and depression and I am so glad I didn’t end my life back then, because I would have missed an incredible life. I’m worth it. You are too.’


lincoln lewis

“It’s spreading a beautiful message that we need to break down the stigma & let everybody know it is not weak to speak & when it comes to Mental Health there is always help.
Mental Health is something that affects us all directly or indirectly & as someone who has lost friends & family to Mental Health it’s something that you cannot put into words; how much you just want to shout out that message from every single rooftop & if you need help, there is help & for whatever reason, somebody may not want to speak about these things; you may think you maybe able to go through it yourself or you may have the notion that you are a burden to someone else. You are not a burden, you will never be a burden. It all starts with a simple conversation & knowing there is help”


Steve pennells

‘We don’t talk about our mental health enough. And I don’t mean publicly.. I mean with those closest to us. Our friends, our family, our colleagues. We all wage internal battles. The people in our lives who we think are the strongest could be the most vulnerable. A smile can mask a lot of pain and shame can make you mute. By the time we realise it, it could be too late.
Talk, listen and be the friend you would need at the lowest point in your life. Think of five people right now who you haven’t heard from in a while and send them a message. Be open, be honest, be human and be there.’ -



“I am incredibly passionate about removing the stigma attached to mental health, so it was an absolute privilege to become an advocate for this important initiative. To accompany the photograph, I offered Glenn the below excerpt from my personal journal- an entry I wrote back in 2015 that I never thought I’d share with another soul. It was the lowest point of my life- but I hope it helps you to understand that mental health does not discriminate: ‘Melancholy. It has me pinned. Give me all consuming anger before you give me melancholia. It is indescribable. Like dull pain. Never have I felt more reckless or careless toward my acting career. Never have I felt more uninspired to pursue it. Never have I felt more alone. Apathy. There might not be a slower, more subtle killer. Ever. Sitting here in my favourite cafe, I can feel the cloudiness of apathy wash over me. I can’t even write clearly. Because I can’t see the point anymore, through the fog. I have tried to revisit all that I’ve accomplished so far in my life. But it is impossible to move past the negative thoughts. I can’t remember how to get myself out of this one. Or, I remember perfectly. But would rather try something reckless in order to feel something hard and fast. I want to scream. I want to cry. I want to feel something again.’ I finally reached breaking point- where I realised I needed help.


hugh sheridan

“Mental Health is the number one cause of death for men in Australia. It is the number one cause of young adults. Mental health is the most critical issue facing Australia at the moment and its time we talk about it. Recently I wrote a TV show that was based around suicide, something that I have dealt with in my life through friends, colleagues and family. I’ve had more suicide deaths in my life than cancer. I think its time we deal with mental health head on, we need to talk about our feelings and let our children know its completely ok to have feelings, good and bad, bit that its important to let them out. Life isn’t always as it seems, we don’t post of social media about the days that we wished we didn’t get out of bed or the days we didn’t feel like it, most people feel the pressure to keep up with everyones ‘perfect’ life. My grandfather told me to never judge anyone unless you walked in their shoes, its great advice that I live by, as its important to know whats really going on behind someones smile, or even their angry demeanour. The point I’m trying to make is many Australians are suffering and doing so in silence. As a country, its time to ease the pressure, stop expecting people to be perfect and start talking openly about feelings with people you trust.”



‘The pain of a mate taking his own life stays with you. It’s always there. & it certainly isn’t pretty. That’s why I accepted the invitation of @glenn_marsden to put my face & feelings into his @imperfectlyperfectcampaign. I’ve spoken before about the loss of my friend, the wildly talented & generous Richard Marsland. It’s been 10 years, but I remember that phone call so vividly. Men in particular still struggle to share emotion, or ask for help if their having a shit time. It’s ok to be struggling. There’s incredible support both personally & professionally to get you through it. I’ve seen it happen & it works. My motivation in sharing this photo is to cut through the superficial smiles we see on social media. No one is that happy all the time. & that’s ok. Check in on your mates. Know that their first response will be “I’m all good” or “she’ll be right”, but if they seem off or unusually flat, dig for the second & third response. The real response. & then simply make sure they know they’re loved & supported, and keep checking in. I want to thank Glenn for making this confronting experience as comfortable as two men crying in a tiny photography studio could be. But if we’re not willing to show that side of ourselves, why would anyone else? That’s the point.

liv phyland

This is a photo to break the ‘glorified Instagram image’ mould. A photo to show that you can be a “happy person”, but still experience sadness, confusion, fear and heartache. But most importantly, this is a photo for mental health. The untamed beast that steals the light and life from so many. I’ve watched it rear it’s head in so many different ways and lead my close family and friends to days, months, a lifetime, of suffering. To a hospital bed. To taking their life. Mental health does not discriminate... not for age, intelligence, wealth or success. No one is in the clear. It’s a growing epidemic, and it’s petrifying! So if there’s one thing we can do, for both ourselves and the respect of those suffering... it’s to break the stigma. Mental health does not make you abnormal or weak... it simply means you have a chemical imbalance that’s bloody shit and incredibly unfair. It means that you have to show more strength than almost anyone else every single day, just to get by. And what it definitely ‘doesn’t’ mean... is that you’re in this alone. And if you have a single doubt in your mind about anyone caring... I for one, absolutely care! Please remember, whatever strand of Mental Health you may be suffering from, or to whatever severity... everything is relative. Drop the guilt surrounding thoughts such as, “what I’m going through is so small in comparison to others” or, “I don’t even know why I’m feeling like this”. Trust me, I’ve been there many times before. Your problems, your unexplained sadness, or your debilitating mental health struggle... they ALL matter. And so do you. So please... Dig deep, be brave, be vulnerable, speak up and reach out. Because ‘together’ we can go through the chaos and struggle of this little thing called Life



“Imperfectly Perfect is so true and something I thoroughly believe in. Lets help each other, because life is hard enough already”


Julie Snook

‘Endometriosis can have a cruel & unexplained grip that leaves you feeling you’ve completely lost control of your mind and body.
It’s an internalised, hidden, silent pain. Yet it’s a pain impacting one in ten Australian women. Beyond that it entangles partners, friends, families and careers in its complex web.’
That’s why the @imperfectlyperfectcampaign is so significant - it’s a reminder that behind each resilient smile is an untold story.
We need to learn that it’s ok to be vulnerable.

And it’s a gift to speak up.



“It’s a really important message for me. Mental Health is something that has affected people around me who I really care about and love and it’s a really delicate, tricky issue because it comes in a lot of different disguises. Particularly in this country, Mental Health for young men is a huge issue and something I feel it’s important to talk and bring light to. I am really privileged to work alongside all of the wonderful people who have been apart of this campaign.”


manu feildel

“ I just wanted to send the message that everyone should hear. I think everyone suffers from depression different levels for different reasons & I think the 1st thing that can help get away from that is talking and even writing. I think, look after your mates, pick up the phone, have a chat every now and then. I think it’s important and the beginning of a change”


nick hardcastle

“I believe that social media is a huge contributor to young people’s depression and distorted view of themselves and their own lives and has been used as a vehicle for spreading messages of hate and bullying people, including someone I loved, to suicide. However I also believe that it is equally a very powerful platform to generate unity, understanding and support. I hope this campaign can help people talk, share, understand and support each other and allow us to avoid more tragic and unnecessary loss.”


Karen Ledbury

“With the current suicide rate around 1 every 40 seconds and an alarming increase in teen suicides its important to understand it is more often than not a silent killer. what glenn has done is bring some vital awareness through raw and compelling imagery which I believe will make a huge impact in showing that anyone of us can endure issues and its ok to speak out. as a cause very close to my heart and my families I think we need to start not only connecting with those we love but also loving and understanding others and being compassionate.”


Patrick o’conner

“A man is someone who should be able to talk about their feelings and feel no shame. Your mental health is more valuable than any job, relationship or situation that you find yourself in. Men should be encouraged to take care of it, instead of saying ‘I’m fine and putting one foot in front of the other. Its ok to be vunerable.”

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‘Poor mental health does not discriminate. When feeling low the last thing you wanna do is reach out. But it’s very important to do just that! People want to help you. And remember, it will pass!’


kate neilson

“I am so honoured to be an ambassador for the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign. Mental health is such an important issue at the moment with so many people suffering from unprecedented mental distress. We have anxiety and depression at epidemic levels. We have suicide numbers on the rise. Yet there is hope.’


Paul De Gelder

“I’ve been through it, somewhat as well. when I was a teenager I went through some form of depression and that flowed on to self harm where I used to cut my arms up and that was a pretty rough time of my life and I felt like I was alone. Having a good support network that I found I could talk was crucial. So I think its very important that we don’t forget that this is very prevalent in our society. We all know its there but sometimes we just need a reminder”


Danny Clayton

“ I’d think the only thing more exhausting than going through something mentally is pretending like you aren’t to everybody else. This has to change.

Everyone is affected either directly or indirectly by somebody who has problems with their mental health. I think the dialogue at the moment isn’t as helpful as it could be. I think we should all be able to feel comfortable talking about mental health.”

Erin holland

“Mental health is a difficult conversation, but one that needs to be heard. This is not an easy (yet very rewarding!) industry to be a part of; with the constant scrutiny of your image, performance and personal life. Mental illness runs rife in my family, and my way of continuing to stay mentally healthy is to communicate through the difficult days, and allowing myself to wholly celebrate the successes when they do come. Life is a beautiful thing. Never forget that.”


michael falzon

“However you are feeling, many others are feeling the same. Daily. Hourly. The challenge is to recognise we all sometimes feel we are just getting by, and to be open, sharing our thoughts and experiences. Talking about stuff makes it easier to handle. Before it takes over your life.”

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wes carr

“I was drawn to the imperfectly perfect campaign as it’s such a unique and creative way to raise awareness and hopefully spread some compassion. We need to keep communicating to empower people to speak up and take a stand for themselves.” 


Lukas radovich

“I think its important to raise awareness for mental health esp for young boys and men like myself. Especially in terms of anxiety which I’ve definitely dealt with in the past , but u don’t really start getting better until u start asking questions and getting help and I think something like this what glenn is doing is important to start a conversation.”


Colin fassnidge

“ Suicide and Depression have affected me directly through one of my best friends, who actually jumped in front of a train last year, and that knocked me around for a year. I've had family members as well affected. It’s good for us to talk, its good for us to get out there and not be ashamed. It’s good for us to cry and good to share with a friend. I hope this affects you in some way that you can talk”


tim ross

“It saddens me to think that those closest to me might not be as they appear on the outside. We need to remember that it’s okay to not be okay and I think people would be overwhelmed by the support that friends and family can offer if they just open up and be honest. It’s extremely satisfying to ask someone if they are alright and in turn, be asked yourself. I chose to get on board with this project to get people talking and I’ve already had several people genuinely ask me if I’m okay because of it. Speak up, ask, and listen. Friends can be more powerful, calming, caring, open and supportive than you might think and we have them for a reason.”


Stefanie JONES

“ Being a performer requires you to put a lot on the line physically and emotionally. It’s a very personal thing to give yourself over to an audience every night. My Performance Anxiety made the task at hand seem not only impossible, but deathly frightening. And these struggles devastated me. We attach stigma to Performance Anxiety but it can happen to anyone at any time regardless of one’s experience or place within our industry. If we reach out to our peers and share experiences with one another instead of projecting judgement or negativity, then we can begin to feel supported in the workplace instead of alone and afraid when it strikes.’’



“ I really wanted to be apart of the campaign because life can be great and it can suck sometimes and I think we should share both sides with each other. We should also open our ears to the good times and the bad times as well. If we can be a little more aware of how well we are listening and how well we are communicating our feelings then that small awareness can make a big difference to how we all feel day to day. Thats how I reckon we make a difference. The small steps.”



‘Normalising conversations around mental health must continue to happen. Being someone who has struggled with depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts for years, I have learnt how much a simple conversation with someone else can make the world of difference. Together through sharing stories, sharing different coping strategies and by taking part in amazing campaigns like @imperfectlyperfectcampaign , we can improve mental health throughout the world. “it ain’t weak to speak”. Vulnerability is strength


nick bracks

“I was super excited to be apart of glenn campaign as it is directly linked to the work I do in mental health advocacy. I love the authenticity of this campaign, the quality of the images and clear messages that are coming from it. We cannot do enough to educate people about the importance of speaking out about mental health.”



‘We are losing so many people to Mental Health & it’s a conversation that we cannot have enough of. I have lost 3 people that I have known personally. My mother, committed suicide. My birth mother & I spent my whole life looking for her & she was in a dark place & I knew she was in a dark place but if I could go back and just shake her out of it & just let her know that she was so loved & she is so missed, and as a woman aging in entertainment losing Charlotte Dawson & Annalise Braakensiek seeing these women my age just turn the light out & listen to the voices that tell them they are not good enough, is just wrong; so wrong. We shouldn’t be losing lives to this.

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Travis Jeffery

“Sometimes the strongest amongst us are the ones who smile through the silent pain, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about. There is nothing in this world that can trouble you as much as your own thoughts”



“The worst kind of pain is the invisible type, when people can’t see what you’re going through . . . When they can’t see they can’t understand. 1 in 10 women have the silent chronic illness that is Endometriosis. The pain and the struggle that endo women go through is incredibly difficult, often being abandoned by partners or put in the too hard basket by friends. Mental health issues amongst sufferers is high, we need you to understand our silent pain. We are resilient but we need to end the silence.”


martin dingle wall

“I am getting behind @glenn_marsden ‘s campaign as mental health still seems to be linked to shame & therefore confined to the shadows where it thrives. I think we need to be far more open about the frailties of the human condition & via communication go so far as alchemize them into strengths. We must work through fear till it’s just not scary any more.’ 


Marcus graham

“I just wanted to say that communication is the key. To be imperfectly perfect is to be open and involved and engaged with life and sometimes that kind of costs you a bit. There aint nothing wrong with having a hard time and it certainly isn’t weak to speak or stay silent.”


barry conrad

‘I call it the ‘Pedestal Paradox’. The danger in placing someone on a pedestal, is that they're assumed to lead this perfect, bulletproof life and have it all together. . Because of that perception, a lot of people actually won't ask, "Are you ok? How are you?". They equate success with happiness, and so they stop asking. It's a scary epidemic, especially in my industry. And a huge reason why so many people struggle with depression, anxiety, addiction or worse. . I know firsthand, because I’ve personally experienced it (still do...). I also don’t have it all together - not even close. And that’s ok. . No matter how big or exciting someone's life might look, it's important to remember that people are, and always will be, just people. We all bleed and we all need each other.’



‘ I think the negative stigma that surrounds mental health problems can be so damaging and almost as dangerous as Mental Health Issues themselves. When people feel they can’t open up or express themselves it makes them feel isolated and can drive people deeper into the depression or anxiety, so it’s so good to see people really starting to talk about it. .
I recently lost my mum to suicide. She was the fourth family member that I have lost and it made me realise that I’ve definitely been guilty of not opening up about the Mental Health issues that have affected my life and my family to my friends, and now since a suicide I think it kind of forces open a dialogue so I’ve kind of realised how many people feel almost glad to be able to talk to me now and feel they can share their own problems and their own experiences with mental health. It is kind of nice to know that my friendship can have that deeper level because it affects everyone.



“So look me in the eyes, tell me what you see Perfect paradise tearing at the seams I wish I could escape, I don't wanna fake I wish I could erase it, make your heart believe” -Imagine Dragons Coming from some personal dark times, I never felt like my feelings had merit. I looked around, saw the life I had, & judged myself for being someone who, in a room filled with light, felt clouded in a black mist. I remember once being asked, “how I would describe my mood” and I responded, that I felt like a small wooden boat, no oars, just floating in an ocean, with no direction, no purpose, isolated & alone. But, at the time, I felt like I needed to have had more trauma in my life to warrant these feelings. I hadn’t been through enough to deserve them. I suppressed my feelings because no one “should” feel that way. It’s not “normal”. To the outsiders I was a healthy, happy human. But on the inside, I was crumbling. And couldn't explain why. I look back at the absurdity of thinking I needed to deserve having a mental health issue, or somehow my problems weren’t valid. I strongly believe that we need change the stigma that you have to justify having depression, anxiety, and a myriad of other mental health issues. And be aware that appearing happy & fulfilled, doesn’t always mean you are. And that’s okay. But we then need to stop holding ourselves to unattainable happiness. We shouldn’t have to feel that we need to justify mental health. Feelings don’t follow reason and logic, so why then should mental health? And when we see those who seem to have it altogether, remember that the people who appear happy all the time, very often aren’t. I would just love people to understand that they are never alone. And that you, your feelings, your experiences, are valid. Don’t stay silent.”


Elana mcintyre

“I think finding compassion during hard times is the most important thing in this world - for others and ourselves.
Going through heartache and pain is part of being human.
It’s something we all share. And sometimes even a good a sign that your heart is alive - and working.
I’m grateful to have been asked to be part of this beautiful campaign... I like the idea of embracing our “imperfections” - our soft and vulnerable side. I think that authenticity is what most people are yearning for right now - and probably why many feel disconnected or depressed after looking at social media.
I’ve lost two friends to suicide.. and nearly lost a few more.
At the moment, one is in hospital, unable to walk and barely able to talk - after trying to numb his pain.
He now has severe brain damage.
Another friend took their life last year, moments after a hospital let her walk free. These stories hurt to speak about, but I imagine this pain is nothing compared with what they were going through every single day. They were strong for too long.
We’re sort of sold an idea that great people are never weak - and never broken. Brave or wonderful people are supposed to be happy, and ‘together’ all the time. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. The most inspiring people I’ve met or interviewed, are the ones who’ve truly experienced pain and darkness.. and have come out the other end - shining like stars.
They usually have deep empathy, compassion and time for others - once they get through.
Their heartache has given them the capacity to be fully present.
But most only get there with support from others.
So thank you @glennmarsden for shining a light for those struggling. I am very grateful that more people are finding new ways to tell each other: you are not alone.
And maybe more importantly: please don’t be ashamed about your pain”



“ I believe that mental health is something that we, as men especially need to start talking about. Where I come from in New Zealand, it has a really high suicidal rate but nobody likes to talk about it because they believe it makes you less of a man. But for me, it makes you more of a man when you are able to come together with your mates and brothers and talk about the issues what goes on in your head so that we can keep on looking after each other.”


yvie jones

“I absolutely love the term “Imperfectly Perfect”. To me, it says exactly what we all are. You are exactly who you should be and I think this campaign is wonderful because by talking we are getting people actively speaking out about Mental Illness & Mental Health.
It’s something that I have suffered myself from for a very long time & have no shame about talking about; whether it be my treatments or my medications & I think it’s really important to tell everyone that we are who we are & even the flaws that we don’t like about ourselves; these are the things what make us so Imperfectly Perfect.


Paddy Ryan

“ For somebody to get to such a dark place that they think its easier for them to take their lives than it is for them to carry on living in this world is a pretty sort of thought. It’s something, I believe can be reduced by people talking more openly about mental illness”


stacey June

“I recently learnt ‘Anxiety’ is a fairly new term. Which surprised me but then also didn’t. It didn’t surprise me when thinking about memories of fainting as a kid and being told it could be epilepsy. Or when I got so nervous as a teenager I would faint and for the first option presented was anorexic. Or when I was a guest on Celebrity Family Feud and was close to hitting the deck due to ‘nerves’. I’m not a nervous person, unable to perform who chooses not to eat to stay skinny and the results were all negative in my potential epilepsy as a 3 year old. I have and always have had anxiety. Not just a tight chest every now and then but an entire system that lives in fright, fear, survival. From day to day events that don’t usually present reasons to be scared or fearful. Its utterly exhausting. But it is also isn’t the same as depression. Please don’t lug them as one. Its complex. Mostly, I can live happily, confidently, successfully (depending on your definition of success) but under lying i’m working a little harder than someone who isn’t fighting against their plumbing. Understand, just like more understood medical symptoms - issues caused from mental health aren’t chosen. Or turned up or down. Or controllable. We too are trying to remind ourselves this most of the time so it would help if we didn’t have to remind you to. remind you that we aren’t able to just try harder or that its a possibility to try and ‘shake’ it off. Surely a cancer patient would never be asked this. Just because we don’t know the same amount of info on anxiety, depression etc doesn’t mean its not as real. It is for me. It is for many of us.”


Joshua morton

“ Mental Health Awareness is such a big problem - as someone who has experienced panic attacks until I was about 20-21 years old that someone asked if I had anxiety. I didn’t even know what the word anxiety was and if I did I defiantly didn’t think I had it. After all, i’m a man, men can’t show weakness right? The frustration I feel now is I don’t know how many wasted months and years I have spent in an anxious state trying to battle it in my head all because I didn’t even know it was a problem and that if it was a problem, who do I talk to, who could’ve helped me. “



“Glenn’s campaign is vital because it sensibly acknowledges the dark, potentially thunderous clouds in an industry renowned for its depiction of clear blue skies and sunny days. The fact that it felt grassroots by someone who understood the industry and not by a big organisation was what drew me to it.” 

Michelle stephenson

“ I have touched the darkness but been lucky enough to come out of it. I have had people around me though who weren’t so fortunate. An ex-boyfriend who suicided, one who thought that hitting me would make him feel better and friends who pull away because they don’t know how to share what they are going through. In a lot of these instances they are men. The statistics around this are staggering. Men are more likely to feel depression and anxiety than women and less likely to seek help. If you drill down into the numbers, suicide is the number one killer of men under the age of 44. How do we as women then, let them know that we are open and ready to take on anything they want to share. I think about this a lot with a son who is growing into a world that is slowly losing its connectedness. I want to tell him that its ok to be afraid and that its ok to talk about it. he gets it and I just hope he always will.’


JonathOn moran

“On the outside I’m happy and smiling, inside I may be falling apart and making it up as I go. Everyday at least one in six Australians die from suicide and a further 30 attempt to take their own life. MEN are at greatest risk of suicide but are still least likely to seek HELP! An estimated 72% of males don’t seek help for mental disorders.”


Renee gartner

‘People often ask, what would we tell our younger self? But that’s not what’s going to make a difference. It’s who I could have been for my younger self, and I get that chance now to be that for others. I get to be a voice, that makes mental illness a normality. We all do. My mentality growing up, was that if I had a roof over my head, loving family, loving friends - “success”, then I had no right to feel the way that I did. So I masked it, and exhausted myself more to the point I almost didn’t return. If I can break that barrier down for someone else, even just one person, a ripple effect has been created. One more person will ask for help without any shame, one more person will find their quivering voice - and find strength again. We all have that power. There’s no shame in using crutches for a broken leg, and there’s no shame in asking for help with our minds.’

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“Mental health has been a big part of my life. I worked in mental health for many years and I have seen the potential and destruction of mental illness. The potential is to heal and the destruction can take someones life. I believe the key to helping mental health is awareness and education, not only for the person suffering but their family and friends. The truth is everyone needs to be educated because everyone knows someone who is suffering or who has suffered. They may be struggling with their own mental health and do not have the right tools to understand it and therefore heal.  It took me a very long time to understand my own battles with depression and how it can destroy your life if one does not seek help.”


kat hoyos

‘The reason why I decided to be a part of this campaign was because personally this speaks to me.

I grew up with a parent who had mental health issues and being an only child, I involuntarily took a lot of her stuff on and it wasn’t until I grew up, and being a dancer growing up, when I was 19 I dislocated my knee for the second time & then a friend suggested I go talk to somebody.

At the time, I was like ‘no, I’m fine. I don’t need to do it. I did it!’ & I was told by the doctor that I was going through depression to which I said to her, that I don’t think I am, because I feel like this all of the time. But it turns out I was depressed.

There was where I started my own mental health journey.’



‘Life can be beautiful but amongst the beauty are obstacles, trauma and stresses which challenge our perception of life and happiness. Sadly this is the case for nearly all of us with life throwing up pothole after pothole. Some potholes can swallow us whole that darkness and isolation creep in, at which point a compassionate ear or professional help can be a shining light. I’ve lost friends to depression and suicide and only hope that we have all have the opportunity to have a shining light in our darkest moments. Be healthy, be happy.


sarah armonious

“ Mental Health doesn’t just affect the individual, it affects their family and friends and the community at large. I think the sooner we treat the conversation with more of a collective sensibility, the better it will be for everyone touched by the issue”


“I’m extremely happy to come on board the @imperfectlyperfectcampaign , I think the title speaks to a lot of people, because in this world we are taught we need to conform to a certain society we are in and to be perfect to fit in, esp with social media. I guess growing up working in film and TV - you have to look a certain way and act a certain way and I was working with kids so it’s always having on a bright happy face even if you may not feel that way. Luckily I am like that the majority of the time but I’ve found with a job like that the highs can bring just the same amount of lows & I think that really only came true to me when I was out of a job & felt like everything I’d achieved had been done. I didn’t feel like there was too much more for me & I really started dealing with anxiety & feeling very alone, the dark cloud followed, and I started realising that mental health is so prevalent and a real thing that is so important to focus on . So I think if we can all get together, speak out & speak the truth about how we feel, the word can touch so many people & make everyone feel like there is someone out there to talk to and you actually are not alone.”


Alex rathgeber

“I think a lot of people are suffering from mental health these days. There’s a lot of pressure out there and it does not discriminate and it does not bias.

I am very proud to be supporting the imperfectly perfect campaign. There are so many reasons why people are struggling with their mental health and similarly there are so many reasons why people are not able to talk about it. It really does come down to discussions around what people are struggling through.

If you know somebody or you think you know somebody that you may be able to reach out to , I encourage you to find a way to start that conversation with them.

You may find that you transform someones life or even save it. We are all in this together so lets look out for each other.”


corinne furlong

“Mental illness is just like any other illness or medical condition that needs attention. If I walked in with a broken leg it would be treated without question. Mental illness deserves the same transparency and understanding. It doesn't discriminate and there is nothing to be ashamed of. If you personally have not suffered in this way, then I am almost certain you know someone who has. Campaigns like the Imperfectly Perfect as so crucial to making sure that people know that as alone as they may feel - they're not. Help is there.”



“Mental health has always been a sensitive and nuanced topic. But so many of our lives have been touched by it in some way. It’s a subject that’s just too close to home to ignore. While we continue to learn more about mental health every day and collectively work to dissolve the stigma that comes with it, we know the positive impact simply talking to each other can have. The best thing we can all do, right now, is reach out to find or offer love, support and company wherever we can. Thankfully campaigns like @imperfectlyperfectcampaign exist to help us make that start. Through the simple act of meaningful conversation, we’ve unlocked the immense power of connection. It’s here that we’ve taken a big step towards helping someone in need and it can mean more to them than we’ll know. I’m very proudly standing behind the cause.”


caleb alloway

“ You may be young. You may change your mind. But right now what you feel and identify with is valid.

For a lot of my early part of my life, I struggled with my sexuality and accepting it. I found it really hard to come to terms with, I still find it really hard to come to terms with and its about whats going on inside of your head. I know there’s lots of people that love me, but sometimes we can tell ourselves something in our head and thats why this campaign is so important.

Sometimes its just not enough for our friends to tell us we are ok, we need help. Professional help. We need to be able to talk to someone.”


lara cox

“I think it is very important to talk about mental health. Make it visible. Make it the norm to ask if people are ok! It seems important to me that we shatter the facade, the idea that life is meant to be perfect. Life can be tough and for some people it feels very far from perfect. If we allow for more discussion to be had around anxiety, depression and feeling alone we allow for more people to understand that it’s not uncommon. It’s not something to be ashamed of. We all need love and we all need to feel like we belong.  And we all need a little extra help at some point in our lives.” 



“Looking back on my 'darker' days, or 'darkest' days, I mostly remember feeling incredibly lonely. I wasn't necessarily 'alone' for I had people around me and I definitely had friends, but no one really knew the full extent of how sad or hopeless I was feeling. I felt silly or ashamed and most of all, I felt like a burden. Most of the people around me seemed to 'have it together', or so I thought, so I hid how I was feeling. It was a viscous cycle. And a lonely one. I was lucky enough to get some help along the way, and looking back now I can't believe how low I really was. With the help of my amazing boyfriend at the time I found an incredible therapist who helped me work through a lot of stuff. I was lucky. Some people try therapy and when they don't find the right 'fit' right away they give up. I was blessed in the fact that I found an amazing one first go, but I know this isn't always the case. My advice would be don't give up on finding help or the right person to talk to. A great psychologist and the right support around you really can change your life. It changed mine. I still have my good days and bad days like everyone, but being on top of my mental health is something that I will make a priority for the rest of my life. The same goes for loving myself and being kinder to myself. We all deserve to be happy and feel loved, and we deserve that love first and foremost from ourselves. Mental illness doesn't discriminate.



‘I wanted to cry...I wanted to sit on the floor and bawl my eyes out! I wanted to run and hide til the pain and anxiety went away, but I’m a mum, I can’t. Instead I say ‘hold yourself’re a mum’ so I pick myself up, put on a brave face, settle a screaming child and go to work. Riddled with guilt. Exhausted. But it’s not about me’s about them, because I’m a mum.’ Being a parent is the hardest adjustment in your life and sometimes you think you’re ok when you’re not. It’s ok if you can’t juggle it all, no one is super human, even parents. You’re not alone but it is the hardest time to talk. You think everyone is nailing it but you. There is nothing wrong with saying being a parent is hard, or I’m not enjoying it or maybe I’m not ok. At times it leads to dark places but, you put a brave face on because it means more to you than any other thing you’ve ever done in your life.
Thank you Glenn from the bottom of my heart. The campaign you have created and the voice you have given to the hidden pain of mental health is enormous. Breaking barriers is so important and allowing people to share their stories and let others know they are not alone is truely incredible. The Imperfectly Perfect campaign is what the world needs to move forward with the conversation of mental health! Thank you x